Iran News Round Up October 17, 2014

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

 (E) = Article in English

Official Statements

  • Armed Forces General Staff Basij Affairs and Defense Culture Deputy Brig. Gen. Massoud Jazayeri stated that the American Coalition against ISIL is part of a plan to topple the Syrian government:
    • “Over the past three years America has used the largest flow of terrorism against the government [of Syria] and has excluded all powers in the region, but the biggest strength of the Syrian people and government is they can prevent the evil goals of America and its partners.”
    • “In the past America has used ISIL, and is now using the fight against ISIL, as a means of destroying the infrastructure of Syria.” (Fars News Agency)
  • International Affairs Deputy to the Office of the Supreme Leader Hojjat al-Eslam Mohsen Qomi addressed the "At the Court of Imam Ali" conference held in Mashhad on October 15. Attendees included Trustee of Holy Imam Reza Shrine Ayatollah Abbas Vaez Tabassi (also father-in-law to Hassan Khamenei, Supreme Leader's son) Ahl-e Bayt World Assembly Secretary-General Hojjat al-Eslam Mohammad Hassan Akhtari, Head of the Islamic Studies Foundation Hojjat al-Eslam Akbar Khorasani, and a number of "Yemeni and Lebanese participants":
    • Addressing Yemeni and Lebanese "participants": "Of course per the Supreme Leader's command, you are heads of the house and Iran is your second home." 
    • Praising the Head of the Ansarallah movement in Yemen, Abdolmalek alHouthi, Qomi said: "There is a similarity between the revolution of the Yemeni people and Iran's Islamic Revolution, and that is having a 'leader reliant on the Qur'an and the Ahl-e Bayt [Family of the Prophet].' The Islamic Awakening in Yemen, therefore, has been managed better than other countries, and it has been due to this leadership."
    • "With this struggle, you [the Yemeni people] have broken the 'khaliji plan' for the country of Yemen and replaced it with the 'velayat [guardianship of the jurisprudence] plan.' You must value the opportunity of this victory, because it may not be repeated for years to come."
    • “Three goals are necessary for the victory of the Anasrallah Movement in Yemen: 1. Unity of the Islamic community 2. Confronting the 'Qods occupying regime.' 3. Supporting and employing the 'oppressed' people of Yemen.” (ABNA)  
  • Minister of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) Hojjat-e Eslam Mahmoud Alavi spoke about the service of MOIS to the Islamic Republic and the importance of security to the flourishing of culture and economy:
    • “The success and progress of any society depends on security, and if there is instability in the country, the path of growth and its progress in the community is blocked. Of course, we must remember that we must not disrupt the security of the people under the pretext of obtaining information.”
    • “The main duty of the Islamic government is to provide security for the community, and today we are seeing countries in the region which do not pay a high price for Islamic culture, and the degree of security is not high. But in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic culture is at the highest level of security.” Alavi stated that MOIS has thwarted a number of planned bombings and instances of instability.  (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami spoke on the current crisis in Iraq:
    • “The basis of our work is not to interfere in the affairs of any country; however, if there is a feeling that the neighboring countries are not able to fulfill their obligations, we are forced to deal with our enemies.”
    • “The various social aspects of the vision of the regime are inexhaustible and a comprehensive formula for solving social problems. In the defense aspects, especially the Sacred Defense, a will of participation in the form of the Basij which determines a current resistance and jihad which will lead to victory, and a political will, will be imposed upon the enemy.”  (Mehr News)

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • IRGC Brig. Gen. 2C Seyyed Jabar Farid Darisavi, was buried in Ahvaz, Iran yesterday. According to a Syrian pro-opposition media outlet he was killed by rebel forces during clashes near Handarat, north of Aleppo city this week. (Aks Alser) (Rasa News)
  • Iraqi Prime Minister Heidar al Abadi is scheduled to arrive in Tehran on Monday to meet with senior Iranian officials about regional developments and bilateral cooperation. (IRNA)
  • Defense Minister IRGC commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan officially invited his Lebanese counterpart Samir Moqbel, who will arrive in Tehran on Saturday. Both sides will discuss enhancing bilateral relations between Tehran and Beirut. (Mehr News)
  • Lebanese Hezbollah (LH) issued a warning to Saudi officials against carrying out the execution verdict of prominent Shi’a Sheikh Nemr Baghar al Nemr. The (LH) statement reads in part:
    • "This unjust sentence is political, and reflects the repressive policy adopted by Saudi authorities against a wide segment of citizens. They cannot tolerate free expression and the peaceful struggle of this oppressed segment to achieve their legitimate demands.” (Press TV)
  • Interim Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami warned that some were seeking to cause the same discord that occurred in 2009 and claimed that ISIL is being funded with Saudi petrodollars. He also warned that Saudi Arabia would pay a heavy price for the execution of Shi’a cleric Sheikh Nimr Bagher al-Nimr:
    • “This discord [2009 demonstrations] is an old wound in the history of the Islamic Republic, on the one hand you have the hypocrites, monarchists, and dancers, and on the other you have the people and the government.”
    • “The Saudi Foreign Minister said that Iran is part of the problem, not the solution; this is strange, who doesn’t know that ISIL gets its petrodollars from you? Who doesn’t know that all terror in the Islamic world has your petrodollars? Who doesn’t know that your rich treasury causes the slaughter of innocent Muslims? The truth is you are not only part of the problem, you are all of the problem.”
    • “I say this to the Saudi government, and it will not be easy to swallow, the execution of spiritual freedom has hard repercussions, and the price will be heavy for you.” (Fars News Agency)  

Nuclear Talks

  • Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi spoke about the achievements of Iranian scientists in the  nuclear program:
    • “Iran is the golden key in the Middle East and the number one power in the region, the world has no choice but to engage with Iran.”
    •  “Our centrifuges are for the field of health. These centrifuges are for the production of vaccine, and for the first time centrifuges that spin 16 to 80 thousand rpm’s were obtained by scientists of the Atomic Energy Organization of our country.” (Tasnim News Agency)