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Politics and Public Opinion, Polls

The Contract at 20 and GOP fortunes today

Twenty years ago this week, 367 members of Congress stood on the Capitol steps and signed a document called the Contract with America. Although several polls in October 1994 showed that around 70% of Americans were not aware of the Contract, its positive, forthright agenda infused GOP leaders and activists with energy and contributed to massive change in the 1994 elections. read more >

U.S. Congress
Politics and Public Opinion, Society and Culture

Americans ‘surprisingly uncertain’ what their branches of government are, new survey reveals

In the relatively short survey administered to 1,416 adults and published on September 17, 2014 (Constitution Day), the APPC found that 35% of respondents could not name even one branch of government in the US. Only a little more than a third of respondents (36%) could name all three branches of government. read more >