Image Credit: Jay Wescott

Image Credit: Jay Wescott

Economics, Pethokoukis, Taxes and Spending

Bill Gates has a big idea for tax reform — and it’s excellent

On his gatesnotes blog, Microsoft cofounder and philanthropist Bill Gates offers his thoughts about inequality, particularly concerning economist Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Among his insights: (a) extreme inequality is a societal problem, and government has a ameliorative … read more >

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Pethokoukis, Economics, Taxes and Spending

Weird. Liberals fear Hillary won’t raise taxes on the rich

The New Republic’s Noam Scheiber is worried that Hillary Clinton hasn’t gotten the memo. It’s not enough for Scheiber that the likely Democratic presidential nominee will almost certainly make inequality a core theme of her 2016 campaign. One can expect calls for universal preschool, a higher minimum wage, and more infrastructure investment among other policies to boost living standards at the middle and bottom. But Scheiber is worried that she won’t take the next step and express a clear desire to sock it to the 1% with a big, fat tax hike. read more >