Tim Fernholz


Tim Fernholz covers state, business and society for Quartz. What does that mean? Whenever business competition spills into the halls of government, economic conflict puts protesters in the street, companies disrupt the way we live or public policy shapes the market, he will be there. Probably with statistics, anecdotes and a lot of nuance. Tim began covering politics and policy in Washington, D.C. at the American Prospect in the uneventful year of 2008, before joining National Journal in 2011 to write about fiscal policy. Then he was the business editor of GOOD Magazine, leading coverage on everything from tech companies and trade wars to globalization and political economy. He has been a fellow at the New America Foundation studying financial regulation and was awarded a Knight Journalism Fellowship in foreign affairs coverage and new media. He lives in New York City, where he is baffled by the local customs. He is from the Great State of New Hampshire.

Tim Fernholz

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