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Foreign and Defense Policy, Defense

The US military, a ‘Yes Man’?

US global engagements from fighting ISIS to tackling Ebola continue to stretch our military beyond its means. These missions are honorable, but the responsibilities that the United States has chosen to commit itself to don’t match up with the available resources. In recent months, our scholars have reported on both the short and long term consequences of sequestration and other cuts to the defense budget. read more >

U.S. Congress
Foreign and Defense Policy, Defense, Politics and Public Opinion

The War Powers Act revisited?

Following the beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, members of Congress are calling for more oversight in the war against ISIS—and that means discussion of a new War Powers Resolution. Under the War Powers Act of 1973, a Watergate-era reform meant to boost congressional power, a president has 60 days from the onset of hostilities to seek congressional approval for the continuation of the engagement. read more >