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How to Reduce the Debt Burden for Future Generations

Our grandkids are destined to inherit double-digit trillions in federal debt from us. But that might not be much of a burden to them at all — if we start paying attention to the right things today.


No Easing in the European Crisis

Far from fading, it is all too probable that the European crisis will intensify over the course of the coming year.


Beyond Defeat or Defiance

Redefining state-based health reform under Obamacare.


The Politically Correct Calendar

Among the more irritating manifestations of political correctness, at least to this historian, is the attempt to replace the terms AD and BC with CE and BCE.


Is Christmas Possible?

This question has no easy answer. It is so difficult that more than reason is required in its service.


What Would Churchill Do?

November 6 was an electoral setback dealt to those of us who believe in capitalism and limited government. What can we learn from Churchill, who was no stranger to setbacks?


Sound Money vs. Stable Money

'Stable money' policy has not fulfilled its promises anywhere it has been implemented. It’s time to renew the debate.


Prescription for Trouble

The FDA can finally prevent narcotic drugs that can be widely abused from easily threatening patient safety. Will it seize the moment?


A Student Debt Cure Worse Than the Disease

Taxpayers may have more reason to be concerned about the government’s response to high levels of student debt than the debt itself.


The Tea Party and the Debt Ceiling vs. Economic Growth

By focusing on the debt limit, Tea Partiers are wasting valuable time on the wrong issue. What matters most is the size of our economy. We should be focusing on economic growth, not the debt ceiling number.


Depending on Energy, Not Energy Independent

When considering energy independence, one has to strive for clear thinking and consider all of the potential tradeoffs and potential unintended consequences involved.


Will the State Department Legitimize a Narco-Authoritarian Regime in Venezuela?

If Congress does not act soon, career diplomats may get their wish of normalizing relations with Caracas.


Debt and the Constitution

Congress and Congress alone is granted the power ‘to borrow money on the credit of the United States.’ Can Congress delegate that power to the president and restrain its own ability to take the power back?


Teachers and the License Raj

Requiring prospective teachers to take a rigorous ‘bar exam,’ as union chief Randi Weingarten proposes, is the wrong way to recruit and assess teachers.


The Risky Mortgage Business: The Problem with the 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage

One would not be troubled by the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage if it were an emergent property of free markets. But it is not.


A Tax Morass Only a Lawyer Could Love

The IRS is beginning to implement a tax penalty that poses some very real economic and constitutional dangers, including the harassment of taxpayers for political ends.


Death Panels, Revisited

When it comes to doling out medical care, especially life-preserving care, we all begin to get a little squeamish. No one wants to be the one who says no. We don’t even want to acknowledge that it is happening.


The Impossibility of Rapid Energy Transitions

Understanding energy system inertia and momentum is key to judging whether a rapid transition toward any type of energy is feasible.


Jeremy Grantham, Starving for Facts

A column by legendary asset manager Jeremy Grantham is more suitable for the tabloids than for one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious scientific weekly magazines.


The Left’s Flip-Flop on the Bush Tax Cuts

Opponents of the Bush tax cuts have done a silent flip-flop on whether those cuts helped the middle class.

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