International Climate and Energy

International Trade and Climate

The Sierra Club works with grassroots partners across the globe to move the planet off of dirty, dangerous fossil fuels and towards a safe and sustainable future with clean energy access for all.


What We Do:

International Climate: Grassroots Movements

Grassroots Movements

The Sierra Club partners with grassroots groups around the world as they demand a say in what happens to their air, land, and water, and as they call for an end to international public financing of dangerous coal projects.

International Climate: Clean Energy Access

Clean Energy Access

Approximately 1.3 billion people around the world live in darkness, often without access to even small amounts of life-changing electricity.

Fossil Free Finance

Astonishingly, over $5 trillion of public financing continue to pour into the pockets of Big Coal, Oil, and Gas each year, exacerbating the climate crisis, polluting our air and water, opening up new fossil fuel reserves, and hurting our families and communities. But we know it is achievable to shift the trillions and move to a 100 percent clean energy economy if we act together and act right now. With our efforts combined, we can and will change our personal investments, the investments made by the U.S. government and the world’s largest institutions, and the priorities of governments around the world.

Clean Energy Access Reports

Check out our reports about clean energy access around the world.