Iran News Round Up October 6, 2014

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributor Chris Rawlins. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

Official Statements

  • Assembly of Experts Member and Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami spoke concerning British Prime Minister David Cameron’s comments against Iran and stated it is a duty to support the government:
    • “We do not have the right to excuse the subversion of the Prime Minster of England. The meeting of the President with the British Prime Minister was requested by David Cameron and in that meeting he spoke strongly.”
    • “The administration of this great country needs the support of workers as the Supreme Leader has emphasized, and politicians should adhere to these guidelines, it is important that the people support the government, and the government should also support itself.” (Mehr News


  • Senior Military Advisor to the Supreme Leader Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi called for the ratification of naval and air defense strategic doctrines, since “future potential threats may be aerial and naval in nature,” with naval threats “possibly” originating “from the Mediterranean, Read Sea, Indian Ocean, Sea of Oman, and the Persian Gulf…Iranian armed forces must target the enemies’ potential adventure-seeking in their sources of origin.” Savafi added “Enemies beyond the region know that the Islamic Republic of Iran has strengthened and they have been weakened following defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan.” (Mehr News


  • Deputy Defense Minister IRGC Brig. Gen. Reza Talaei-Nik interviewed with Arabic news channel al Alam about ISIL and said:
    • “All of our activities [against ISIL] would be conducted in coordination and cooperation with the governments of Iraq and Syria.”
    •  “Iran is prepared to counter any threat posed by the terrorist group against its borders and the holy Shi’a shrines in Iraq and Syria, but only after coordination with Baghdad and Damascus.” (Defa Press


  • IRGC Brig. Gen. 2nd Class Yaghoub Soleimani met with Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, Grand Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani and spoke about events held throughout the country to celebrate the Shi’a line of authority given by the Prophet (Ghadir):
    • “Last year events were held at 120 locations throughout the country with the slogan being chanted “Ghadir brings perseverance and unity to Islam.”
    • “This year, in order to have better quality events, these celebrations will be held in 113 locations.” (Defa Press)  


  • Foundation for the Preservation and Publication of Sacred Defense Works and Values issued a statement on Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Week, calling “soft war” the LEF’s most important mission “in the present situation.” (Defa Press


Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • IRGC Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani poses with Kurdish Peshmarga forces in an undisclosed location. (Ahlul Bayt News Agency


  • President Hassan Rouhani spoke with the President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani about the Bilateral Security Agreement signed between the United States and Afghanistan and about fighting terrorism:
    • “Regional cooperation is the main way to fight terrorism and ethnic and religious extremism.”
    • “Be sure that any agreement you make with other countries does not go against Iran or harm the people of your country.” (Tasnim News Agency


  • National Security and Foreign Policy Parliamentary Commission Chairman and MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi met with Ecuadorian Parliament Speaker Gabriela Rivadeneria in Quito. The two discussed enhancing bilateral cooperation and recent developments in the Middle East. Boroujerdi said “Ecuador has a commendable and principled position on Palestine and Syria.” Boroujerdi added:
    • “Expansion of cooperation with revolutionary Latin American countries, including Ecuador, is [important to] the Islamic Republic’s foreign policy.” (Mehr News


  • Lebanese Hezbollah (LH) forces reportedly repelled an offensive by Jabhat al-Nusra forces in Brital, eastern Lebanon yesterday. LH casualties include a senior field commander, Nazar Taraf, and two members, Ahmad Husayn Saleh and Maher Ahmad Zaitar (AKA “Abu Tarab”). (Ahlul Bayt News Agency


  • Lebanese Parliament Loyalty to the Resistance faction member Hassan Fazlollah reportedly praised the LH military wing’s repelling of “takfiri groups’ plan to target our villages and suburbs in Beqaa.”  (Tasnim News Agency


Nuclear Talks

  • Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi announced negotiations with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) beginning tomorrow with regards to the last two out of three step agreements between Tehran and the IAEA concerning the military dimensions of the Iranian nuclear program. Kamalvandi reiterated Tehran’s concern of “espionage” in the agency and warned, “The agency must act on its commitment to protect the Islamic Republic of Iran’s classified information.” (IRNA


  • IAEA officials arrived in Tehran on Monday. IAEA and Iranian officials are scheduled to discuss remaining transparency measures. (IRNA



  • The Tehran Stock Exchange reacted positively to the European Union General Court’s annulment of sanctions against a number of Iranian entities including the National Iranian Tanker Company, Sorinet Commercial Trust, Sharif University of Technology, Moallem Insurance Company, and Sina Bank.
    • According to Head of the Iran Trade Expansion Organization Valiollah Afkhami, the trade volume between March-September 2014 grew by 22% to 53 billion dollars. He expressed hope for an increase of more than 110 billion dollars by the end of the Iranian calendar year in March 2015, calling the present level “unsatisfactory.” (ISNA


  • Economic Advisor to the President Massoud Nili downplayed the implications of 4.6% growth “in the summer season” with regards to the high unemployment rate, as “economic institutions do not increase their work force during stagflation [low output and high unemployment] due to the existence of labor laws, so we will not witness a decrease in the unemployment rate following economic growth for some time.” (Alef


  • Head of the National Competition Council Reza Shiva announced the passing of measures to limit the involvement of “non-government public institutions” in the economy, giving a three month deadline for the submission of their companies. Shiva stated “Based on the new law, non-government public institutions such as the Social Security Organization and the Foundation of the Oppressed can undertake economic activities if they do not impede competition. These are large and financially powerful institutions and can acquire a significant portion of the market in goods service. The private sector may not be able to compete with them.” (Etelaat