Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Do you have a film project that needs funding? Have you already created a Kickstarter project for it?

Post a link to the Kickstarter project page and a link to your video on Vimeo – we'll consider it for featuring on our curated page:

Need to learn more about Kickstarter? Check out our Video School lesson:

***Vimeo's curated Kickstarter page features film related projects only. While we love and support your creative endeavors, please help keep this thread relevant and only post film related projects for consideration.***

Brother Brother

Brother Brother Plus

Please consider featuring our new British web sitcom: MISSING SOMETHING!

The kickstarter link is

It's an absurdly chaotic sitcom, about a young lady who works for a video game studio. We've got 12 episodes scripted and already in pre-production. The hook? Each episode is compressed into just 3 minutes.

There's a pilot for you to see right on the kickstarter page - - and also our our vimeo profile:

Please take a look and let us know what you think!


Ladypoints Webseries

Ladypoints Webseries Plus

LADYPOINTS is a webseries that celebrates women who define success in their own terms. Each episode provides interviews with awesome ladies that will empower and inspire young women – making their creative ambitions less mysterious and more accessible!

Through LADYPOINTS, we will provide a space to present the work and lives of compelling ladies for an audience of women and girls. We recognize how extremely meaningful it is to be seen, heard, and represented, and we recognize the impact that images have on girls and women in supporting self-confidence in their own abilities, creativity, and strength. This is especially true not only when it involves representation of gender identities but also of race, class, sexuality, size, and ability.

Kickstarter Page:
Direct Video Link:


Steven S. Harrington

Steven S. Harrington

"I Shut My Eyes' is a surreal journey that follows our heroine, played by Small Dream Ada's very own Alaina Ferris, through a mysterious underworld loosely inspired by Greek mythology. Using strictly in-camera effects, we will create a world that is eerie, beautiful and thought provoking. With your support, we will be able to secure the locations, rent the proper equipment and feed our talented and gracious cast and crew.


Promotional Video:


Mollye Asher

Mollye Asher Plus

LEE - A Feature Film set on the Pine Ridge Reservation, by Chloé Zhao

Lee is a seventeen-year-old Lakota boy who idly spends his days in young love with his kind and ambitious girlfriend Aurelia, his nights carousing with his loyal and wayward best friend Evan, and avoiding anything to do with his broken home life. When his sister unexpectedly dies and his home is taken away from him, Lee is driven to keep his family together at all costs, but his risky actions have consequences that forever alter his most cherished relationships. Filled with vitality and unexpected humor, LEE is the story of one young man’s winding path to self-discovery.

28 days to go, currently 5% funded!


Kainat Afsar

Kainat Afsar

My name is Danish and have created this short film for tributing Malala and her impact to inspire little girls to take the courage to ask their parents to send them to school.
I would be pleased if you can watch it and give your precious comments on it .


Christopher LaMarca & Kat Taylor

Christopher LaMarca & Kat Taylor PRO

BOONE documents the journey of three young farmers in Southern Oregon risking land, business and friendship to confront the United States Department of Agriculture.

This is an experiential film: there are no interviews with farmers or agricultural experts. The goal is the experience; dealing with the realities of a season of farming and the physical and emotional grit born of self-reliance. Filmed over two years, Boone is a sensual homage to the liberation inherent in self-discipline and risk.

28 days to go! 14% funded! Staff pick!

Kickstarter link:


Harriet Macdonald

Harriet Macdonald Plus

Dear Matt
If you've ever had a bad day at the office please consider our quirky British short Bad Day At The Office.
Life kicks Wallace D. Popple in the balls... Literally. The narrator chronicles Wallace’s pitiful existence in the corporate mincer against a backdrop of painful mishaps and begs the question; Is Wallace’s luckless day just desserts for a spineless existence in a job he despises?

We put in our own money into shooting the short to make it the very best it could be (shooting on the Alexa in beautiful locations) with an incredible crew who made it come to life. Writer/Director Nick Scott has been screened alongside Michel Gondry and directed a music video for Iron Maiden, and bravely with a 2 year old son put his savings into this project and entrusted me as a first time Producer!

Now we're looking for funding for post-production and get it out to as big an audience as possible in festivals.
Thank you!! X

Links: Kickstarter Page, Bad Day At The Office Trailor

Tom McLoughlin

Tom McLoughlin Plus

Hi Matt

At FXhome we've always strived to make great software at indie prices for film makers & photographers. In 2011 we launched HitFilm, an awesome VFX app with editing, 3d compositing, 3d particles and a bunch of other effects. In 2012 we launched HitFilm 2 and things got even better with 3d model import and yet more effects. But we were only on the PC, and this made us sad, because we love Macs, and held us back, because film makers love Macs too.

So, to fix this up, we're running a Kickstarter to allow us accelerate the production of the Mac version of HitFilm 2. It's been running for 8 days and we're already a good way of the way there, but we're looking to spread the word amongst as many video creatives as possible.

There are a host of reward tiers, many of which involve supporters getting the software at massive discounts, so we'd love you to take a look.

Kickstarter link:

Airship Cinema

Airship Cinema Plus

Hello Matt,

Our project is a 21st-Century thriller about surveillance, control, and resistance, called The Riverview. We're looking for development funding and could really use an extra boost right about now. Thank you very much for considering it.

Brandon Laventure




Hi Matt,

'The Family Rock' is a short film that proves sometimes going a little crazy is the best way to find yourself.

Synopsis: A young woman who is slowly losing her Mom to illness decides she can’t deal with the on-coming loss. So, she abandons her family. Her conscience starts to drive her crazy when it literally starts spelling out what a big mistake abandoning her family was.

I've been writing this film for about two years. In the last 6 months an amazing team has come together to make this film happen. We've been working hard to make a quality trailer and make a solid foundation for this film. Kickstarter will allow us to reach a wider audience and help us with funding.

Only 12 days left and we're at 23% of our goal.

Thank you,
Krystle Hickman


Adam Palcher

Adam Palcher

HARLAN is a short docu-drama based on the last day of serial killer's freedom.
The world famous Harlan-Joesph Granger has never been convicted and is now planning to turn himself in. Harlan contacts a notable serial killer blogger to come out to his desolate cabin and film his last day of freedom as he plans to turn himself in the next day.

This cerebral short is violence free in action but heavy in content and should give a glimpse into the unknown mystery and unpleasant mind of one of the world's most famous murderers as well as challenge the audience and question the end result of Harlan's intentions.


Joseph King

Joseph King

I'm trying to drum up support, I don't think I have a big enough fanbase for a kickstarter yet :/



Just offering this as an option for those that need to get more EXPOSURE for a product or idea.

We at would like your project to be among those that will be featured first at our site. We can connect you to thousands of potential investors and expose your work to organic traffic, giving it its much needed and well deserved attention.

We are offering our Premium Membership ($55.00 value) COMPLETELY FREE until August 31st, 2013.

Sign-up now, post your VIMEO vids and become a member for FREE!!!


Sanpomichi Film

Sanpomichi Film Plus

Hello! We are fundraising for Sanpomichi, A Stop Motion Short. It is Created & Directed by a very talented Seattle animator, Mari Ichimasu. Her hand crafted and realistic style comes across like a love song for her home in Japan. She has a true talent to expose the beauty of everyday items & relationships, without exploiting them.

I hope you enjoy!


Brody Davis

Brody Davis

+1 to Sanpodmichi, everyone should watch the teaser and spread to word about the Kickstarter! Lets make this happen!

armen perian

armen perian Plus

hey hey!

not sure if this is applicable, since we got funded around this time last year - but my kickstarter experience was unforgettable. one of the most stress-inducing but rewarding & humbling experiences. just wanted to drop in & say this is awesome that you guys have a curated page on kickstarter.

godspeed to all!


Jason Coffman

Jason Coffman Plus

Hello everyone!

My name is Jason Coffman, and I'm an independent filmmaker based out of Chicago. My friends and I are making a psychological thriller/horror feature film called "Still," which as far as I know is the first feature film ever to deal with the neurological condition called akinetopsia (or "motion blindness"). This is a disorder caused by physical damage to the part of the brain that processes the perception of motion. In our film a young woman is afflicted with motion blindness after an attempted robbery and must learn to live with this new perception. Thanks for your time! Good luck, everyone!


Adrian Halim

Adrian Halim

GRASP: a short film by University of Michigan students.

Grasp is the story of Lizzie Brayden, a pious high school girl looking to reconnect with her mother. After Lizzie experiences a traumatic event, she is plagued by violent, bloody visions that threaten to destroy her perception of reality. As the lines between her visions and reality blur, Lizzie’s life becomes a never-ending night terror.

Grasp is an ambitious project that deals with strong themes in religion, mental health and reality. As University of Michigan students, we plan to film on location throughout Southeast Michigan, including one of Detroit’s oldest cathedrals.

Please check out our kickstarter!



thomthomproductions Plus

Music Video from a successful Kickstarter Album by the Young Knives!

Its all go go go… if only the people who play records on the radio could keep up!
Kickstarter and Vimeo are the way forward.

Out of interest this video was shot on location in my back garden….

Quiz questions: how many fruit can you spot?



thomthomproductions Plus

Help! I maybe lost - i read Kickstart and film but on reflection do you mean "film" film? or is it wider than that?
Obviously one day a Film will arise! watch this space, until then, sorry if I blundered.



After 35 years in prison, reputed mobster Auggie Carmine Castucci, is released back into society. When returning back to his old neighborhood, Auggie soon realizes that the world, people, and life he once knew, are a fading memory of the past. Auggie struggles between the life in prison he was accustomed to and his new life as a “free” man. Not sure where he fits in, part of Auggie prefers life behind bars rather than living amongst society. Repulsed by the life he once thought was glamorous Auggie struggles to find a way to coincide.




Wow vimeo seems pretty great for sharing your work with a filmmaking community. This is my short. Tagline: Accountant by day. Assassin by night.


Erik Anjou

Erik Anjou Plus

Deli Man is a documentary about the inspired owner-operators who keep the mouth-watering food and tradition of Jewish deli in America alive. In 1931 there were approximately 1,500 kosher delis throughout metropolitan New York. Now there are 150 shops in all of North America. The delis that survive against the economic odds – and the advice of cardiologists – are the generation-to-generation, family run stores that won’t surrender their spot on the block, or the succulent food that keeps Larry King, author David Sax, and friends coming back for more.

Please help us reach our Kickstarter goal.


And read more out more about the upcoming film at

Emma Barrett

Emma Barrett Plus

[a film project]

Are you lonely, despite being surrounded by "friends"? This film will inspire changes.

The allure and power of Facebook is the way it enables us to be social while sparing us all the embarrassing realities of society— the unanticipated revelations we make at parties, the uncomfortable pauses, and the spilled drinks etc. Instead, we have the ease and efficiency of a seemingly well-oiled, social machine.

But at what cost?

On Christmas Day 2010, Simone Back, a depressed charity worker killed herself as her Facebook "friends" mocked a suicide note she left as her final status update, that read: "Took all my pills be dead soon so bye bye every one."

This film will address the desolate human disconnection that we self-generate with the fear of not being "perfect" or "normal" in society. When it's actually the imperfections that make us human... and vulnerable... and beautiful.


Jason Merrin

Jason Merrin Plus

Hi everyone,

Please consider featuring our project (or, if you're another Vimeo filmmaker like me, consider backing/sharing with your friends). We're trying to raise the money to finish Sleepwalkers, our feature length urban fantasy love story. It's about a world in which when you go to sleep you wake up again as someone else, and about one "sleepwalker" who falls in love with a girl who is "awake".

Please watch our trailer right here on Vimeo:

And find out more about the project by visiting it on Kickstarter:

Thank you so much.



Casey de Fremery

Casey de Fremery

Hey guys,

Totally just found this forum after not knowing it existed. I am nearing the last 9 days of my feature film Kickstarter campaign for "War Path", a coming-of-age Crime Drama. It's a feature film we're in preproduction on that started as an entry into a music video contest for Linkin Park but turned into its own thing.

It's a film about a down-on-his-luck professional hit man, Joel, who is coerced into a risky job of killing a cop. Things don't go as planned and his whole world may come crashing down!

We have 9 days left to raise $5400 more as our goal is $12,000. Below is the webpage and pitch video. Help join the cause!

Vimeo link:


Horizonline Pictures

Horizonline Pictures Plus

Hi, Vimeo team -

I am staging my first Kickstarter campaign to fund post-production on a feature-length documentary about the Appalachian Trail. The online video series from this project is hosted on Vimeo, and I'd greatly appreciate your help in getting the word out about the campaign for the feature film. Here is the link to the Kickstarter campaign page ( and the link to the campaign video on Vimeo ( Thanks for giving it a look and for supporting this story!
Chris/Horizonline Pictures




Hi, Vimeo,

We are two high school students working on a documentary about gentrification in the mission. Growing up in San Francisco, we have experienced the ever changing nature of our city and feel impassioned about documenting it. The process of filmmaking thus far has been exciting, interesting, and eye opening to say the least. Because we are taking on this project as a personal endeavor rather than part of a class, we are faced with the reality that it takes funds to create a quality documentary. That is why we've come to you to ask for your help in supporting our project.

Please check us out at:


Mission Films


Peacekeepers NYC

Peacekeepers NYC Plus

What would you do if you were getting text messages from God?

"Peacekeepers" is a new sci-fi black comedy webseries set in New York City, part of a planned six episode first season run. With the success of Netflix in quality straight-to-web programming, "Peacekeepers" aims to create a series that provides strong roles for women, as well as LGBT characters, and all at the fraction of the cost of a typical television series.


Never Know Productions

Never Know Productions PRO

Hi, Vimeo team,

We are making a documentary about the Invisible Strings that connect us all in the web of life. We made some timelapses and hypherlapses at one of the most remote areas in the world.
Our filming locations are: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Portugal, Bulgaria and more... The people that we took interviews from are HH the 14th Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra and many more.

Please check out our kickstarter project for more information:

and our vimeo video:


Cost of Living

Cost of Living Plus

Cost of Living is a new comedic web series, which examines (recently) gentrified San Francisco through the eyes of best friends, Marisa and Jules, who are struggling to afford a city that no one can afford.

We launched the first two episodes earlier this month on Vimeo. In these episodes, Marisa sacrifices her vegan, anti-capitalist boyfriend to return to a life of cheese and binge watching Mad Men, which forces her to find a new apartment in 24 hours (which is basically impossible). Meanwhile, Jules is confronted with the harsh reality that quitting her job at Genentech to start a rubber stamp

The next eight episodes are much more ambitious in scope, so we launched a kickstarter campaign that ends on 4/25 to fund the rest of Season 1. We would love to be a part of Vimeo's curated kickstarter page!

Vimeo (first 2 eps):


VJWorld Visuals

VJWorld Visuals PRO

Make sure Kickstarter programs include money for round 1 marketing once you have created your content. I see so much great content and there is no money to promote with. You don't the a lot, just enough to get the word out and your content in front of a core group of people who may end up being catalysts for future success.

I have worked in the entertainment biz for 25 plus year promoting music, video and film. There is good money to be made from quality content if the biz plan is in place.

Don't forget Promotion and Marketing of your work!


Nathan Honnold

Nathan Honnold PRO

Hello Everyone,

I have the honor of having my newest film "Thomas Bennett" featured on Staff Picks this week, thank you all for your support.

I wanted to share with you my newest short film kickstarter for consideration.

Miami Monster - Kickstarter

Miami Monster - Vimeo video

A washed up beauty queen finds a wretched monster on a Miami nude beach. She becomes his pageant Mom and exploits him on YouTube hoping to return to the spotlight.

Thank you for your consideration.

Nathan Honnold


Len Kendall

Len Kendall

Cartegram is a simple adventure game you play using a pocket notebook, biodegradable stickers, instagram, and your legs. Each experience is unique to you. I'm currently Kickstarting the first "season" and plan on making this an ongoing project. A few questions regarding the video that I'd love the community's feedback on:

1) Does the video explain the game mechanics fairly clearly?
2) Are there any lulls in the video that you think I might want to cut?
3) How's the length in general?

Here's the VIMEO page for the video:


Richard John Seymour

Richard John Seymour


Made in China is an observational short documentary project that I'm making about Manufacturing in China.

It's a cinematic journey revealing the amazing spaces and places that bring us our stuff, that we never actually get to see, until now. I spent two weeks filming in January, factories, cargo ships, refineries, shipyards, but will be going back to complete the project next month, by visiting the remote and faraway landscapes which are where the raw material that starts this journey are mined and processed.

In fact, there's a good chance that this film actually tells the story of the object that you'll be watching it on!

But I need your help to help to fund my second and final trip to China, to visit the remote mining sites deep in the Chinese mountains, that form the starting point of this incredible journey.

Here's the link to the video on Vimeo -


Christopher Davis

Christopher Davis Plus

Hi Vimeo - I’m excited to present to your our newest film called Stolen Innocence; which
tell’s the unheard story of young women captured and forced into a life of slavery. Without a choice, without a voice, girls as young as 13 disappear into the world largest sex ring.

The film visits India, Nepal and Bangladesh, telling first hand accounts of trafficking survivors. Stories are heart wrenching and powerful, interviewing brothel owners, traffickers and anti-trafficking activists.

We’ve been filming for the last 6 months and 50% of the film is completed. With just 30 days on Kickstarter to reach our fundraising goal of $100k, we’re passionate about making this goal, finishing the film and bringing this important message to the masses.


Kickstarter Campaign:

Thank you!

Mouse Productions

Mouse Productions Plus

Would be great to have this Film screened by an audience to get feedback and support for my next project i have in mind. If u see what i can do with no budget you'll be motivated to make your own Films.
Synopsis: An unprofessional planned Art robbery goes wrong leading several characters to an abandoned farm called corn cracker.




I am surprised that I didn't see this earlier! I have a Kickstarter that is now entering its final week: The Greater Cleveland Time Lapse Project! I plan on making a long term and feature length time lapse video that showcases all of the amazing and picturesque areas in and around Cleveland, Ohio.

Because Cleveland has had a bad rap for so long and is the butt of so many jokes ("the mistake on the lake", the hastily made Cleveland tourism video, etc), I want to make something that is Cleveland positive.

To make this time lapse video and to do it right, the help I need is to purchase a time lapse rail that will allow me to add movement into my time lapses to provide an exciting and dynamic aspect., I have the camera/lenses necessary. My initial funding goal is $1,000.00, and I have several stretch goals to add more equipment to the project.

My Kickstarter:

A video just made to promote the Kickstarter:



Hello everyone! This is Cagil from Art By Chance working as Project Coordination Assistant.
Art by Chance Film Festival collects amazingly diverse ultra short films from all around the world. Before long, internationally selected fascinating movies pop into your lives suddenly in subways, airports, shopping malls, etc reaching more than 20 countries / 200 cities and 1.5 billion worldwide.
Theme for this year is Discover. Art By Chance sets out to celebrate the act of discovery in all its forms, from people to places to ideas this year. We would greatly appreciate it if you kindly support us and spread the word. Get going! We are waiting for your films! You might win a round flight ticket to anywhere in the world by the courtesy of our global sponsor Turkish Airlines. For more information about the festival, please visit
Our participation video:
Kindest regards,
Cagil Ozdemir
Project Coordination Assistant


Steven A. Soria

Steven A. Soria Plus

Beautiful Fools a feel bad comedy web series

sizzle reel:
vimeo channel (includes prequel/pre-fund episodes):

Me and my friends launched our Kickstarter campaign for our web series "Beautiful Fools" on September 7th. It is billed as a "feel bad comedy" and is about a hapless, wreckless young man named Peter living in Los Angeles. The show explores his realtionships with the different characters woven into his life...the majority of them being women. From his cold and calculated ex-girlfriend, his nurturing matriarchal best friend, his overbearing mess of a sister, and everyone in between, the series exhibits how each individual affects Peter and his personality.


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