Iran News Round Up October 14, 2014

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

 (E) = Article in English

Official Statements

  • Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei addressed a large gathering on the occasion of Eid al Qadir (commemorating the day the Prophet Mohammad appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor), in Tehran. Khamenei implored the Muslim world to unite against terrorism and the West’s divisive plots:
    • “The issue of division between Muslim sects, namely the Shi’a and Sunni sects, is one that is centered on the greed of the enemies of Islam.” 
    • “This policy [of Shi’a-Sunni division] was the main part of colonialism for many years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic system, because we saw the open thinking of the Islamic Republic throughout the Muslim world, so they put more emphasis on divisive policies, became more insistent, and invested in separating the Muslim world from the Islamic Republic.”
    • “This is something that today in Iraq and Syria and in some other countries in the region, Muslims are faced with; it is not just a Shi’a issue, this what the colonists have created.”
    • “They [US and its allies] have created something called AL Qaeda and ISIL to fight against the Islamic Republic and the Islamic awakening… They try to cast Muslims against each other. They try to dissuade Muslims from their real enemy.”
    • “Whether Shi’a or Sunni, anyone who adheres to Islam, anyone who accepts the teachings of the holy Quran should know that America’s policies, the policies of global arrogance [West], Zionist policies are the enemies of Islam.”
    • “The duty of Muslims, whether Shi’a or Sunni is to [unite and help] each other and not to help the enemy… Shia’s and Sunnis should not help the enemy by desecrating each other’s sanctities.”
    • “If anyone fuels the flames in this regard, they will be helping America, England, and the Zionists, who are the creators of ISIL and Al Qaeda.” (Khamenei)
  • Arab and African Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian responded to Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al Faisal’s criticism of Iran for its role in exacerbating regional crises:
    • “Iran is at the forefront of fighting terrorism in the region.”
    • “Tehran helps the governments and nations of Iraq and Syria in fighting terrorism within the framework of international rights.”
    • “We tell the Saudis to watch out for plots hatched by regional enemies and to make sure it is not distracted from playing a positive role in the region.” (IRNA)
  • National Security and Foreign Policy Parliamentary (NSFP) Commission Chairman and MP Alaeddin Boroujerdi also commented on Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal’s remarks on Iran:
    • “Saud al Faisal’s statements seem to be a result of old age and declining health.”
    • “The word occupation best fits Saudi Arabia, because its troops occupy and clearly violate the defenseless people of Bahrain.”
    • “We are a country that even our number one enemy, America, has admitted that Iran plays a constructive role in the region and the settlement of regional issues are not possible without Iran’s presence.” (ISNA)
  • NSFP Parliamentary Commission Vice Chairman Mansour Haghighat Pour reacted to the “rude statements” of the Saudi Foreign Minister referring to Iran as an occupier, and criticized Pakistan for not securing its border:
    • “Saudi Arabia has lost in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, the result of this loss is they have fled the region, and have proved their servitude to the Americans, the British, and the Zionist regime.” (Defa Press)
    • “Terrorists inflicted heavy losses in the region (Sistan va Baluchistan) of our dear country and they should be severely confronted, and the Pakistani government should be held responsible. In every meeting between our officials and officials from their Interior Ministry they promise they will (secure the region), but again we see that Pakistan does not control that region and if the situation remains the same there is a series of actions we will carry out.”
    • “Pursuing terrorists is our natural right and we will certainly do this.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Law Enforcement Forces (LEF) Commander Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam attended the funeral ceremony of seven LEF members killed in a plane crash on October 11 along Iran’s eastern border.  He rejected the notion that terrorists caused the crash, and stated that a technical team is currently determining the cause of the incident. Moghaddam also discussed the October 9 attacks in Saravan, Sistan va Baluchistan province along the Iran-Pakistan border which killed four Iranian officers:
    • “The opinion of the diplomatic establishment and the minister of the country have been sent to Pakistan; however, do not expect great results from negotiations… The Pakistani government does not have any concerns about the borders of our country, but frequent accidents along neighboring borders do not seem desirable. “ (Asiran)
  • Armed Forces General Staff Strategic and Oversight Affairs Deputy Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Maj. Gen. Mostafa Izadi announced that the Islamic Republic would “create the preparation for the new world order by destroying the takfiris.” (Defa Press)

Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Head of Iraqi Hezbollah Political Committee Hossein al Ramani told IRGC-affiliate Fars News Agency that the militia would target US forces if they intervene in Iraq. Al Ramani added:
    • “In the case of American troops setting foot on Iraqi soil, Hezbollah will divide its forces into two groups: the first group will combat ISIL, the second group will deal with Occupying American forces…”
    • “Americans have said, stressing that defeating ISIL will take 30 years, however, if the right equipment and facilities are at the disposal of the Iraqi government and military the fight will not take more than a month.”
    • “This statement means America is trying to exploit ISIL as an opportunity to undermine the Iraqi people and the popular resistance.” (Fars News Agency)
  • Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah reiterated the organization’s determination to continue fighting “takfiris and terrorists” and said “it is not possible for us to surrender to the takfiris.” (Khabar Online)
  • Arab and African Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met with Cyprus’ Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alexandros Zenon in Tehran to discuss regional developments. Abdollahian censured the US-led coalition against ISIL and said:
    • “No one can use terrorism to topple governments, and people should decide for their own in this regard… supporters of terrorism have embarked on a military showdown to solve their own internal problems.” (Mehr News)
  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham welcomed Yemen’s newly nominated Prime Minister Khaled Mahafoudh Bahah. Afkham called on all sides to remain committed to the political agreement and expressed hope that the unity government would soon restore stability. (Mehr News)
  • Islamic Republic News Agency reported that five Afghan nationals that were killed fighting ISIL militants in Syria were buried in Qom on Saturday. The five “martyrs” were named: Seyyed Isa Hosseini, Mostafa Khadami, Rauf Shabani, Gholam Mohammad Ahmadi, and Hadi Salimi. (IRNA)
  • Executive Deputy to the President Mohammad Shariatmadari and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Fuc chaired a joint meeting, with both parties expressing their inclination to expand bilateral relations. (Tasnim News)


Nuclear Talks

  • Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 began today in Vienna with the presence of Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Secretary of State John Kerry, EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton, International and Legal Affairs Deputy to the Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, and Under Secretary of State Wendy Sherman. It is expected that Zarif and Ashton will meet tonight over dinner and tomorrow trilateral talks will take place between Zarif, Kerry, and Ashton. (IRNA)
  • Foreign Minister Zarif spoke in Vienna concerning the negotiations and expressed some hope that the latest round of talks could pave a way to a final agreement:
    • “Of course it is unlikely to reach an agreement in these negotiations, because the issues that remain to be resolved are huge.”
    • “What we have discussed in the last rounds are the very important details, such as the amount and type of enrichment, and the timing for the removal of sanctions.”
    • “We hope the opposing side accepts the facts of the regional and international scene and realizes that the nuclear program of Iran is peaceful so we can find a solution that benefits everyone.” (IRNA)

Military and Security

  • Artesh Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Commander Brig. Gen. Farzad Esmaili inspected Ghaem Al-e Mohammad Air Defense Base area located in Birjand, eastern Iran. (Defa Press)
  • Representative of the Supreme Leader in Iraq and Ahul-e Bayt World Assembly Supreme Council member Ayatollah Mohammad Mehdi Asefi inspected an Iranian-backed Asaib Ahl-e Haq military base in Samarra, Iraq. (ABNA)


  • Planning and Supervision Deputy to the President Mohammad Bagher Nobakht claimed that the unemployment rate has fallen to 9.5% as a direct result of “state and private investments” in projects that are over 80% complete during the past summer. (Tasnim News)