Iran News Round Up October 2, 2014

A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analyst Mehrdad Moarefian and Iran Intern Amir Toumaj, with contributors Chris Rawlins, Diana Timmerman, and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.

(E) = Article in English

Official Statements                          

  • Returning from his trip to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and Astrakhan, Russia, President Hassan Rouhani emphasized reintegration into the global economy and the resolution of the nuclear negotiations:
    • “Countries were inclined for this matter to be resolved with speed and for relations to expand, so their investors can be present more actively in Iran, and for the Islamic Republic of Iran to have a more expansive and prominent role in regional and global matters.” (Fars News Agency)


  • Armed Forces General Staff Chief Maj. Gen. Hassan Firzouabadi praised President Rouhani’s UNGA speech and slammed Israeli and British Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and David Cameron, calling Netanyahu “America’s rabid dog.” (IRNA)


  • Chief Prosecutor Hojjat al-Eslam Mostafa Pour Mohammad praised the Rouhani administration’s diplomatic efforts:
    • “We see the effects of Iran’s diplomatic power in the world well today, to the extent that our exemplary revolutionary place in the region has been maintained. Even the travel of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Secretary [Ali Shamkhani] to Lebanon and Syria causes the shaking of America’s psychology and place.” (Elat Press)


  • Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani praised the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) during a speech at the Sacred Defense book exhibition in Tehran:
    • "Today, the IRGC is one of the most powerful military forces in the Middle-East, of course the Army and the Basij forces also enjoy such specifications and the path of their strengthening should continue." (Sepah News)


  • Ali Larijani censured US Middle East policies said:
    • “The ink decreeing the new Afghan President has yet to dry and they are trying to impose a security agreement and they are creating an alliance to destroy the infrastructure of Syria.”
    • “America throws away the heads of states in the region like pulp.”
    • “They have a new plan for Syria and their advisors have multiplied in Iraq and in Syria they have trained several people to train groups [of fighters].”
    • “The American president has declared that he will obliterate ISIL. However, this served as an excuse to assemble a coalition and destroy Syria’s infrastructure.” (IRNA)


  • Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham condemned a terror attack in Homs yesterday that targeted a school in an Alawite neighborhood that killed several civilians and criticized the United Nations for ignoring the involvement of “internal and external elements in such crimes.” (IRNA)


Military and Security

  • Defense Minister IRGC commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan spoke at a Defense Industry Organization unveiling ceremony. Two new military systems were introduced: the “Falaq” rocket system and a tactical all-terrain vehicle called “Zafar”:
    • “The Falaq rocket system is an efficient ground combat weapon which has an instrumental role in the provision of heavy fire.”
    • The “Falaq” system is said to be able to hit enemy targets within a 10km radius and is a maneuverable ground force system.
    • “Zafar” is equipped with four separate axles; two are steerable and can carry up to 24 tons.
    • “This vehicle is capable of carrying various launchers, missiles, radars, rockets and command posts… [It] is equipped with a protection system used in modern warfare.” (Defa Press)


  • IRGC Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami addressed an armed forces gathering in Bushehr province, praising the Islamic Republic’s hard power and calling the US a power in decline:
    • “America’s breathing space has tightened, and their political will has been driven to the sideline of the recent events.”
    • “At a prior time juncture we were righting the enemy by our national geographic borders, but fighting with that same enemy has extended to the eastern Mediterranean, and this matter demonstrates the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces.” (Sepah News)


  • The body of “martyr” IRGC Col. 2nd Class Mostafa Mohammadnejad was buried in Oroumiyeh, Western Azerbaijan earlier this morning. He was reportedly killed “fighting bandits in the region of Khoy,” which borders Iraq and Turkey.  (Tasnim News Agency)


Nuclear Talks

  • Iran’s Permanent Representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors Reza Najafi announced that Iran and IAEA officials will hold talks next week in Tehran. (Tasnim News Agency)



  • Iran Customs Director Massoud Karbassian met with the Republic of Azerbaijan Economy and Industry Minister Shahin Mostafayev and announced that the two sides have agreed to provide 24 hour border access. Mostafayev also announced Baku’s inclination to establish a joint chamber of commerce, underlining a recent uptick in bilateral relations. (Ettelaat)


  • First Deputy to the President and Secretary of the Supreme Free and Special Economic Zones Council Ali Akbar Torkan met with IRGC Navy Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Fadavi and announced the administration's policy to "use the capacities of the IRGC Navy" with regards to civil projects in the Persian Gulf. The construction of an airport in Greater Farvar and a dock in Lesser Farvar islands to expand transportation, marks the first of such projects. The islands are located approximately 150 miles from Bandar-e Abbas. (Mehr News)