How do I find videos available for purchase on Vimeo?

You can easily discover great collections or browse through different categories to find films, series, and videos available through Vimeo On Demand (VOD).

Click on any title to read a full description, watch a trailer, and purchase.

​You can watch your purchased video right away or anytime within the specified viewing period. Simply log in to Vimeo at and click My Library in the top navigation bar to find your active rentals and purchases.

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How do I watch the Vimeo On Demand videos I purchased?

All Vimeo on Demand (VOD) videos you purchased will appear in your Library and under the Watch Later tab of your feed. Simply log in to your account and then choose one of those options.

Click the play button to watch the video instantly within your feed, or click the video title to watch it on its own page. Click the icon in the lower right corner of the player to watch the video in full-screen.

You can also watch on your smartphone, TV, and other connected devices.

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Can I watch the Vimeo on Demand videos on my smartphone, TV, and other devices?

Absolutely! Vimeo On Demand titles that you purchased are automatically added to your Watch Later queue. When you log in to Vimeo on your Apple TV, smartphone, or other connected device, simply navigate to Watch Later to access your purchases.

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Why isn't this Vimeo On Demand video available in my region?

Some videos may have different distribution agreements for different global regions. For this reason, some of the videos on are only available for purchase in certain countries.

If the video you want to watch isn't currently available in your region, you're welcome to reach out to the creator for more information. They may be able to tell you where you can watch the video in your country.

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Can I buy Vimeo On Demand titles in a currency other than USD?

If the creator of the title has chosen to accept your currency, you betcha!

At this time, we support the US Dollar (USD) and Euro (EUR).

Currently, though, promo codes can only be applied to purchases made in USD.

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What’s the difference between “renting” and “buying” Vimeo On Demand videos?

With Vimeo On Demand, you can make two kinds of purchases:

Rent: When you rent videos, you will be able to stream the videos anytime during the specified rental period.

Buy: When you buy videos, you will be able to stream the video for as long as it remains on Vimeo, and download it to your computer and devices, DRM-free.

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If I “Rent All” or "Buy All" the episodes in a VOD series, will I be able to watch videos that get added after my purchase?

When you "Rent All," you get access to all of the current videos as well as any that are added to the Vimeo on Demand page during the specified rental period.

When you “Buy All,” you get access to any videos added to the VOD page for as long as it remains online.

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If I “Rent All” or "Buy All" the episodes in a VOD series, will I be notified when new videos are added?

We don't currently have automated notifications in place for new episodes, but this is a feature we'll be adding soon!

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Why did my Vimeo On Demand review get deleted?

Reviews are a way for members who have watched a particular Vimeo On Demand work to share their honest opinions in a respectful manner.

Reviews cannot be deleted by the VOD creator, but they may be deleted by a Vimeo moderator if they:
  • Don't pertain to the work itself (e.g., "I'm upset that this video isn't available in my region")
  • Don't follow the Community Guidelines (e.g., "You suck!")
  • Are promotional or off-topic (e.g., "Cool vid. PS: Check out my website!")

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What happens when I preorder a Vimeo On Demand video?

When you preorder, you're purchasing a Vimeo On Demand work before it has been released. You'll know that you are preordering because the VOD trailer will have a big banner that says, "Available soon, preorder now."

When the video is released, your card will be charged and you’ll be notified via email that the video is ready to view. (You will also be notified if the release date changes or if the preorder is cancelled.)

You must enter a valid credit card to preorder Vimeo On Demand videos. You cannot preorder with PayPal.

You can cancel a preorder at any time by visiting your Settings page, scrolling down the Preorder section, and clicking the button that says Cancel.

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