
Burgettstown Man In Trouble For Painting Main Street

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(Photo Credit: KDKA)

(Photo Credit: KDKA)

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BURGETTSTOWN, Pa. (AP) – Some people paint the town. A western Pennsylvania man just painted a little stretch of Main Street, and now he’s in trouble for it.

The Observer-Reporter says 55-year-old John Cherok II faces a preliminary hearing Thursday in Burgettstown. That’s where police have charged him with disorderly conduct and criminal mischief for painting the message “Slow, 25 MPH” on the pavement.

Cherok has lived on the street for 15 years and owns a book store there and says too many cars speed on the road, some up to 50 mph.

Police say they’ve monitored the road nine times in the past month or so, however, and found no speeding drivers.

Either way, Township Council President James Reedy says he wishes Cherok hadn’t taken matters – and a paint brush – into his own hands.

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