Everything Animated

  1. Discover a preview teaser of the artists that will ensure the entertainment BNPPM 2014:
    20syl, Grems and Trafik. #BNPPM #indoorground

    Client: FFT
    Illustration: Grems
    Animation: Julien Nantiec
    Music: 20syl

    # vimeo.com/109024494 Uploaded 5,718 Plays / / 47 Comments Watch in Couch Mode
  2. L'été de Philémon Cimon: bit.ly/PhilémonCimonLété;

    Réalisation | animation: Agathe Bray-Bourret et Mathilde Corbeil
    Animation additionnelle: Véronique Morier
    Production: Audiogram

    # vimeo.com/106492914 Uploaded 4,550 Plays / / 6 Comments Watch in Couch Mode
  3. This is my graduation film "Jamón". It's a traditionally-animated film with silkscreen printed backgrounds made at the National Film and Television School.

    José is a teenage pig living in a Spanish town; he is the only pig in his family. One day a new neighbour moves in next door, and José starts to come to terms with who he really is.

    For more info about the film and crew please visit: cargocollective.com/jamonfilm

    # vimeo.com/108986967 Uploaded 84.4K Plays / / 89 Comments Watch in Couch Mode
  4. Réalisé par :
    // Aurélie Gomez
    // Guillaume Bissières
    // Chloé Félix
    demo : youtube.com/watch?v=1oKh1ub3gF4
    blog : chloefelix06.blogspot.fr/
    // Théo Ferré
    demo : vimeo.com/99227337
    blog : theoferrebook.blogspot.fr
    // Guillaume Pochez
    demo : vimeo.com/99632729
    blog : guillaumepochez.blogspot.fr/
    // Morgane Tissier
    demo : vimeo.com/104954643
    blog : morgane-tissier.blogspot.fr/
    // Romy Yao
    demo : vimeo.com/108671061
    blog : romyyao.tumblr.com/

    Musique : Siwar
    Sound design : Aurore Pupil // aurore-pupil.com/
    Voix : Carolyn Hoffmann

    Merci à :
    Marie Chapron, Maimiti Chave, Adrien Cleuet, Guillaume Decq, Jonas Genevaz, Fanny Germain, Yann Leroy, Chloé Ménager, Elliott Peupion, Aurélie Zenati et l'équipe pédagogique de LISAA.

    # vimeo.com/101030171 Uploaded 146K Plays / / 61 Comments Watch in Couch Mode
  5. "I'm born with this mighty sin."


    # vimeo.com/108838765 Uploaded 142K Plays / / 34 Comments Watch in Couch Mode

Everything Animated

Aziz Kocanaogullari Plus

A channel for admirers of animation. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the greatest animation talent out there carefully handpicked for you!

For all submissions: submit@everythinganimated.tv
Don't be shy! I'll try and add as many great films as possible

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A channel for admirers of animation. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the greatest animation talent out there carefully handpicked for you!

For all submissions: submit@everythinganimated.tv
Don't be shy! I'll try and add as many great films as possible and the one's that don't make it will go into "Animation" group.

Come join us on Facebook & Twitter: facebook.com/everythinganimated | twitter.com/all_animated

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