Living happily in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in 1992, Heleen left everything behind and moved to a farm upstate New York. Why did she go? To save her daughter’s life.

Made by Bas Berkhout


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Own Your Tomorrow

Change. Perhaps the scariest and most exciting word in the English language. It conjures up images of fear, darkness, uncertainty, heartbreak, regret and painful choices. But it also evokes feelings of joy, lightness, purpose, new love, optimism and inspiration.

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Change. Perhaps the scariest and most exciting word in the English language. It conjures up images of fear, darkness, uncertainty, heartbreak, regret and painful choices. But it also evokes feelings of joy, lightness, purpose, new love, optimism and inspiration. Change is hard. So why do we seek change? Simply, to create a better future. In this series of films, we explore how leaving something can lead to positive change.


At Schwab we believe that, when done right, investing liberates people to create their own destiny. And the first step in that liberation

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At Schwab we believe that, when done right, investing liberates people to create their own destiny. And the first step in that liberation is often deciding to make a change.



FedoGV Plus

Really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.

Industrial Editing

Industrial Editing PRO

OK, Chase or Schwab, or whomever you are; that was a good story. Made me realize I love a good story no matter who foots the bill. Also shows me Incorporated entities can leave something nice in their wake. Nice job.



a warm film

Sabbir Ashraf

Sabbir Ashraf

Its a sad story as well as beautiful & heart touchy !!

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