Vimeo Staff Picks

A man returns to a place he once called home. Nature and decay have taken over but the memories are still strong. He brings life back to Pripyat, Chernobyl - hoping to capture how it was and how it could have been.

Filmed in late Februrary 2014, having arrived in Kiev just days after the violence stopped in Maidan, the experience of witnessing the events in Independence Square shaped our approach.

Director + Cinematographer, Matthew Chuang
Writers, Matthew Chuang + Hugh Marchant
Actor, Hugh Marchant
Executive Producer, Craig Griffin - The Directors Group
Associate Producer, Debra Liang
Costume, Chloe Greaves
Editors, Joe Capelo + Elodie Fouqueau
Colourist, Fergus Hally
Online, Patrick O'Farrell + Paul Morton
Chernobyl Guides, Evgen Goncharenko + Tanya Vyhovska

Artist, Fractures
Manager, Anthony Zaccaria - Bolster Music

Special Thanks, Chernobyl Interinform Agency, Fedir Habelko, Filonila Habelko, Ivanka Yarish, Nicholas Baldas

© Matthew Chuang | Bolster Music 2014

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