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Help AARP Foundation win back opportunity for struggling Americans 50 and over.

Charity Rating

AARP Foundation earns high rating for accountability from a leading charity evaluator. Read


Every year, AARP Foundation helps millions of struggling older adults 50 and over win back opportunity. We couldn't do it without the generous support of individuals and institutions.


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$3 Million Investment Will Expand AARP Foundation Jobs Program

Social Innovation Fund Logo

AARP Foundation has received a $3 million investment from the Social Innovation Fund of the Corporation for National & Community Service to expand its efforts to address the challenges facing low-income older adults and grow community-based solutions that really work. The investment will enable the Foundation to broaden its BACK TO WORK 50+ program in association with community colleges. BACK TO WORK 50+ helps older adult job seekers, particularly women, learn skills and connect with services so they can find fulfilling employment and achieve financial stability.

AARP Foundation and Miami Dolphins Pack and Deliver One Million Meals

Stronger Together - Miami Dolphis and AARP Foundation Logo

Teaming up with the Miami Dolphins, AARP Foundation made a huge impact in South Florida on Saturday, September 20th! More than 4,000 volunteers gathered to help as we packed and delivered 1 million meals to help feed South Floridians 50+ as part of Hunger Action Month.  Read

In the

The Active Process of Aging in Place

There are tremendous challenges in ensuring that our houses and communities are ready to support a high quality of life for older adults aging in place now, and the growing numbers of those who will do so in the future. Read

AARP Foundation
In Your Community

We’re working with communities locally and nationwide to reach more people and make resources go farther.

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Asian lady

AARP Foundation wants to win back opportunity for those now in crisis. Watch

Programs & Services

Couple standing outside home, Create the Good

Housing Solutions Center

This program offers free HUD-certified counseling and assistance to 50+ homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure. Go

AARP Tax Aide

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide

This program offers free assistance with tax-return preparation. Go

AARP Foundation Finances 50+

Finances 50+

This financial capability program is a collaboration between AARP Foundation and Charles Schwab Foundation. Go

Drive to End Hunger car

AARP Drive to End Hunger

Feeding people today, preventing hunger in the future. Join the fight to end hunger. Do

Medical team at a computer, AARP Foundation Back to Work 50+


We are partnering with workforce services providers to strengthen the bridge between 50+ job candidates and respected employers. Go

Accredited Charity