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Attended Baunegårds skolen
Lives in Ølsted

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If Facebook won't give up your data - Pick&Zip to the rescue!

Already deleted all my apps - well on my way to quit...
Download Facebook Pictures and Videos - PickNZip »
Pick&Zip is an online Free software that will allow you to backup and download Facebook pictures in a single zip or pdf file. And now you can also download Facebook videos!
Kim Rostgaard Christensen
Great statement. I hope (a lot) others will follow. 
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Apparently the Facebook data liberation is just for show - it doesn't work! I activated the "Download a copy of your Facebook data" over a week ago, was supposed to get an email when the data was ready for download, but still no email...

I take this as a sign that I should run rather than walk away from Facebook, they're crooks and schemers and I won't trust them with my private data for even one more second...
Thomas Christensen
+Alex Gourenko You're exactly right - and I haven't used Facebook very actively for a long time now - the trouble is that I have relations that keeps me there and I can't get those relations over to Google+ and they're not people I usually text on the phone - but I've decided now to quit anyway - found another way to get my photos downloaded and the rest I really don't care that much about...
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Strange problem - the USB ports in my HP ProBook 6570b only works when the charger is plugged in, when on battery they seem to be switched off? Seems like a developer took a step to far in the quest for saving power ;o)
Thomas Christensen
+Benjamin Flanagin I didn't install laptop mode tools myself, but I think it's part of the Ubuntu installer now by default. I did install Jupiter in an attempt to control the power but it didn't help...
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Why isn't it possible to boot from mSATA on ProBook 6570b, when it's possible on EliteBook Folio 9470m?
Thomas Christensen
My problem is, that I need more space than 256 GB, so I have to make do with a standard 500 GB. If I could boot from a mSATA SSD I could have the system on a 64 or 128 GB mSATA and use the 500 GB for data only. But if the mSATA boot doesn't work I will probably remove the optical drive and mount the 500 GB in a harddisk caddy, then install a SSD in the internal bay :o)
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You know these days, where you have something important planned that requires 100% of your time and focus - and then it's completely derailed by support incidents and other trivial problems that has to be solved ASAP?

I'm having such a day today... :-/
Thomas Christensen
A punching bag is a good idea! I think I'll suggest that to the rest of the department :o) but luckily it's weekend now, so I might allow myself a shot of Whiskey ;o)
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Hej +Teleselskabet 3 inspireret af den seneste debat - her kan i se hvor hårdt jeg er "ramt" af dårlig dækning.

De to første billeder er fra Aars, hvor min sviger familie bor - nul dækning generelt og specielt omkring Sdr. Boulevard, som de bor i nærheden af, med jeres abonnement, men helt anderledes med Telia. Det samme gælder for Ølsted, hvor jeg selv bor. Her er dækning med TDC men ikke med jer!

Det har været sådan i rigtig mange år, hvorfor får i ikke udbygget netværket disse steder?
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Thomas Christensen

Shared from +1
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Sådan har det desværre været længe - underligt at det ikke har været i medierne før?

Som en anden læser skriver, er det nøjagtig det samme med Adobe's programmer.

En ting er at spørge om crapware når man installerer programmer første gang, men at de også sniger det ind hver gang der er opdateringer er bare så lavt, specielt fordi man aktivt skal slå det fra hver eneste gang!

Det er store selskaber, som...Expand this post »
Oracle propper crapware ned i halsen på Java-brugere - ComON »
Der er mange sikkerheds-problemer med Java. Oracle har udsendt 11 opdateringer i det sidste halvandet år og forsøger hver gang at installere crapware på din computer.
Folmer Fredslund
Og når de så KØRER den til service siger de ja tak til at få en ambolt i bagagerummet. Den kostede jo ikke ekstra og den stod som default på regningen ;-)
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Look what I found in my local Netto grocery store - genuine non-original biodegradable capsules - 100% compatible with +Nespresso machines. And they taste great too!
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I hope they make these changes one day - maybe a new and better Google+ app will emerge at Google IO 2013 in may? Let's hope...
My wishlist / ideas:

1. Better/additional way of tagging people in comments - currently it's all well that you can enter '+' and start typing a name, but what if the name is in foreign characters (Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese etc.) - it's impossible in the app.

Solution: Make it possible to tag people by tapping their picture - ie, enter '+' in the text field, then scroll through an aggregated list of people...Expand this post »
Peter Hughes
Yes please! Google Translate integration would be fantastic.
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My wishlist / ideas:

1. Better/additional way of tagging people in comments - currently it's all well that you can enter '+' and start typing a name, but what if the name is in foreign characters (Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese etc.) - it's impossible in the app.

Solution: Make it possible to tag people by tapping their picture - ie, enter '+' in the text field, then scroll through an aggregated list of people...Expand this post »
Kamal Tailor
When sending Suggestions or issues that are unrelated as Feedback, Send them one at a time. That way the feedback team can direct the feedback to the correct people.
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The curious geek - always in search of new tech to play with. In touch with IT infrastructure (network, servers, virtualization) through my daily work and running a self-hosted Wordpress blog from home - mostly about gadgets, tech, apps and often related to open source in general and Ubuntu Linux in particular. The blog is in Danish, but Google Translate is helpful ;o)

I'm a heavy thinker, like to invent things and do things differently - also i tend to sometimes over-elaborate on things - bare with me! ;o)

Circle me, if you care for any of the following:
Android, Google, Ubuntu, Linux, Open source, Electronics, Gadgets, New tech and IT in general (including infrastructure subjects).

Nysgerrig og Geeky - arbejder til daglig med IT infrastruktur og blogger i fritiden om alt hvad jeg finder interessant - oftest om gadgets, apps/programmer/services, specielt relateret til open source og Ubuntu i særdeleshed.

Jeg hoster selv min egen blog og derfor handler en del indlæg også om netop de udfordringer der er med at køre sin egen linux server og hoste eget Wordpress site.

Tilføj mig, hvis du har følgende interesser:
Android, Google, Ubuntu, Linux, Open source, Electronik, Gadgets, New tech og generel IT relateret (inklusiv IT infrastruktur).

Check min blog på
IT Infrastructure Manager
    IT Infrastructure Manager, 1998 - present
  • Medical Information Systems ApS
    Developer, 1997 - 1998
  • Baunegårds skolen
    Folkeskole, 1982 - 1985
  • Kongevejen Skole
    Folkeskole, 1985 - 1992
  • Gentofte HF
    1992 - 1993
  • Ingeniør Akademiet Københavns Teknikum
    Diplom ingeniør (svagstrøm), 1993 - 1994
  • Lyngby Uddannelses Center
    Datamatiker, 1994 - 1997
Places lived
Map of the places this user has lived
  • Ølsted
  • Kongens Lyngby
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