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Entangled Figures


In this game, you see three entangled objects, like flowers, fruit, animals, geometrical figures, or amoebas, which taken together make up a more complex object. These three entangled graphical objects are compared to a multiple choice of similar or different objects that are possible components of the complex entangled figure. You must choose the one that is part of the entangled figure.

To choose the correct object, you must mentally disentangle the complex figure into its component parts. This task is easier with identifiable objects or geometrical figures, but it is harder with abstract figures. An object seen in its typical context is more easily recognized than one that is isolated. One way to figure out the different components is to look carefully at the separate elements and then mentally visualize them together into one figure.

Identification is easier when the figures are meaningful (objects, geometrical figures), so details are more relevant than the analysis of the whole figure. However, recognition will be more difficult with abstract figures.