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Syndicate contentReports Challenges Ongoing Classification of the CIA Torture Program

Earlier this week, filed a detailed complaint with the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), arguing that even after the release of the Senate torture report’s

Civil Society Groups Issue One-Year Progress Report on 2014-2015 US National Action Plan

According to the second civil society progress report on the implementation of the United States' Second National Action Plan, the US government remains on-course to meet the majority of its commitments one year into the two-year implementation period.

Players or Spectators: Observations on CSO Participation in the OGP was pleased to host Al Kags as a Mandela Washington Fellow this summer. Mr. Kags is the founder of the Open Institute, a "think-do tank" that collaborates with governments and civil society groups on open government issues.

In partnership with OTG, Mr.Kags and the Open Institute present an insightful analysis of the role of civil society in the Open Government Partnership. In addition to observations drawn from conversations with government officials and civil society representatives from several OGP countries, the report features recommendations for improving CSO participation.

Civil Society Groups Issue Progress Report on 2nd US National Action Plan

According to the first civil society progress report on the implementation of the United States’ Second National Action Plan, the United States government appears to be on-course to meet the majority of its commitments six months into the implementation period. This report draws on the expertise and experiences of a wide range of civil society groups engaging on the commitments and features their knowledge of the Administration's efforts to meaningfully implement its commitments and to collaborate effectively with civil society.

Secrecy Report 2013 --The Tip of the Iceberg

WASHINGTON, October 1, 2013 – Today’s release of the 2013 Secrecy Report, the 9th annual review and analysis of indicators of secrecy in the federal government by, comes amid shocking revelations that cast doubt on the accuracy and the meaningfulness of the government’s statistics about surveillance. As is highlighted in the introduction to this report and in comments provided to by former-Representative Mickey Edwards (R-OK), the government’s insistence on keeping interpretations of the law secret and a lack of oversight by Congress and the Judicial Branch helped set the stage for a surveillance program that is much broader than previously believed.

Former-Representative Mickey Edwards on Restoring Accountability to National Security Programs

For the release of this Secrecy Report, we asked former-Representative Mickey Edwards, who is also the author of, The Parties Versus the People: How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans and a noted commentator on restoring the Constitution’s balances of power, to provide insight on how to secure better oversight of national security programs.

How could Congress’ oversight of intelligence programs be improved? Or how can the system of checks and balances be restored to our intelligence programs?

First, the congress must reclaim its constitutional authority to oversee the executive branch, decide on questions of war and peace, regulate the armed forces, and determine how federal funds are to be expended.  These are the proper powers of congress but more importantly they are the obligations the constitution places on congress to ensure that the people, through their representatives, control the activities of the federal government.

Growing Open Government with the Open Government Partnership: A Graphic

Explore our process using your arrow keys!

Read the full report here.

Unprecedented Civil Society Report on US OGP: One Small Step for Open Government

The US met most of its 2011 commitments to make the government more open and accountable according to an unprecedented evaluation of the US’ efforts to implement its first National Action Plan. President Obama presented the US’s commitments at the launch of the Open Government Partnership on September 20, 2011.

While the Plan reflected many of the priorities of open government advocates, the specific commitments included in the plan do not put the US on a path to accomplish those goals quickly. According to Patrice McDermott, Executive Director of, “The Administration should be commended for taking good first, if often small, steps forward on a number of issues. Achieving the greater goal of transforming government to be open and accountable to the public, though, will require the proverbial giant leap.”

Progress Report Marks 1 Year Anniversary of Open Government Partnership US National Plan

To mark the anniversary of the release of the Open Government Partnership US National Action Plan, and a team of organizations released a progress report on the steps the Administration’s implementation of the report.

Read the 2012 Secrecy Report Twitter Chat

On September 18th, invited contributors to the 2012 Secrecy Report: Sunlight Overshadowed to participate in a twitter chat. Read more to see the report as told on twitter.

The Classified Section

Check out our new blog, The Classified Section, for analysis of national security secrecy.

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