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Disaster Relief Funding Map

Click on a state to see the total Funds Awarded and Funds Paid Out to recipients in each state.
Click on the Text View of Map Data for information on funding by each agency in each state. 
Scroll down to the Bar Chart for more information on the Funds Awarded and Paid Out by state.

Data on the Map
The Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (the Act) provided approximately $50 billion (47.9 billion after sequestration) to 19 federal agencies to help communities rebuild after Hurricane Sandy. The map reflects the Funds Awarded and Paid Out to recipients in each state, including state and local governments, individuals, businesses, and non-profits. The deeper the color, the more money awarded to recipients in the state.
In addition, the Act included funding for disasters occurring in 2011, 2012, and 2013, so funding for recipients in states outside of the Hurricane Sandy-affected region is also included on the map. The data is collected and provided to the Board by the Sandy Program Management Office (PMO) and is updated monthly.

Supplemental Funding By State
Other Sandy States -- Includes all other Hurricane Sandy-impacted states -- CT, DE, MA, MD, NH, OH, PA, RI, VA, WV, and DC.
All Other States -- Includes funding to recipients in states -- other than NY, NJ, and the states listed above -- impacted by disasters occurring in 2011, 2012, and 2013 that were included in the Sandy Supplemental.
National/Regional--Includes funds that cannot be broken out by state or funds applied to multiple states and U.S. territories, as well as funds 
for a small number of programs not currently reporting at the state level.  
More information on each agency's Appropriation, Funds Awarded, and Funds Paid Out can be found at Agency Award Information.
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