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The Oregon Business Plan is paying dividends

The Oregon Business Plan is paying dividends

​"The governor's efforts to improve outcomes and boost investment in education while lowering costs for core government functions like health care and public safety are a key part of achieving the goals of the Oregon Business Plan." (July 20, 2014)

Read The Oregon Live article.

Gov. Kitzhaber

Gov. Kitzhaber's leadership was behind ballot-measure 'stand-down':

"The governor has committed significant time and energy to bringing business and labor together to address Oregon's inadequate, uncompetitive and volatile system of taxes. The removal of these ballot measures makes this very difficult challenge possible, and it can be the first step in finding more frequent common ground between business and labor in Oregon." (Mar. 12, 2014)

Read The Oregonian article.
Governor Kitzhaber

Governor Kitzhaber's fire prevention PSA

"We all have a part to play this wildfire season to prevent human-caused fires." (August 8, 2013)

Watch the video.
Kitzhaber brokers ballot measure peace deal

Kitzhaber brokers ballot measure peace deal

"Instead of spending millions on ballot measure battles, we have an agreement that provides an opportunity for people to work with one another on solving Oregon's biggest problems." (March 3, 2014)

Read The Portland Tribune article.

Oregon's health care experiment off to a promising start

One of the heaviest lifts for the Oregon Legislature in recent years was its narrow passage, in 2012, of health care reform laws authorizing the creation of Coordinated Care Organizations to cut medical costs incurred by members of the Oregon Health Plan. (June 26, 2014)

Read The OregonLive article.

RSS Feeds

Oregon's uninsurance rate cut more than half following federal health reforms, researchers say

Posted Thursday, September 18, 2014

Oregon Live logo“The number of uninsured Oregonians has dropped 63 percent, from 550,000 to 202,000 people, since national health care reforms took effect, researchers say. An estimated 95 percent of Oregonians now have health coverage, up from 86 percent last year.”

Oregon makes a play for preparedness

Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Daily Astorian logo"Oregon state agencies have collaborated to create the beginning draft of the Cascadia Playbook, a statewide emergency response plan for major natural disasters."

New Intel SIP agreement provides foundation for economic growth

Posted Monday, August 11, 2014

Oregon Live logo“Local and state officials on Monday took a step toward ensuring that whatever else happens in coming years, Oregon will still have its most important private employer.”

Kitzhaber urges backing of Wildfire Disaster Funding Act

Posted Friday, August 01, 2014

My Central Oregon.com logoGovernor John Kitzhaber is working together with his West Coast peers calling for support of the Wildfire Disaster Funding Act.

The Oregon Business Plan is paying dividends

Posted Sunday, July 20, 2014

Oregon Live logo"The governor's efforts to improve outcomes and boost investment in education while lowering costs for core government functions like health care and public safety are a key part of achieving the goals of the Oregon Business Plan."

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Keep up with Governor Kitzhaber