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Welcome to the Rural Development (RD) Dataset Web site.  In an attempt to support the Open Government Initiative and build a more transparent government, RD is offering the following dataset for public use:




Multi-Family Management

Section 515 |  File Description

Multi-Family Management (MFM) is a Multi-Family Housing (MFH) line of business that contains four subsystems:

  • Automated Multi-Family Account System (AMAS) - an online transaction entry and inquiry financial and accounting system. 

  • Multi-Family Information System (MFIS) - an online intranet application used by Rural Housing Service (RHS) personnel to input/query and report on project and tenant related information.  MFIS also contains the module Prepayment Tracking/Concurrence (PRE-TRAC) which allows processing/tracking of Multi-Family Housing Prepayment requests.

  • Management Agent Interactive Network Connection System (MINC) - an online application that allows RD borrowers and management agents to manage rural rental housing and farm labor housing projects. 

  • Multi-Family Support used in servicing MFH loans and grants.

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