• Winter in the Wrangells

    Wrangell - St Elias

    National Park & Preserve Alaska

There are park alerts in effect.
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  • Wrangell-St. Elias Visitor Center Moves to Winter Hours

    Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve Headquarters’ Visitor Center has moved to winter hours, October 1 through May 24, and is open Monday-Friday from 9am to 4pm (as staffing permits) and closed on all Federal holidays. More »

For Teachers

Dear Educator
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park is a fantastic resource for learning about and appreciating wild places. We hope that the following links will help you recognize and utilize this resource to its fullest benefit.

Pathways to Discovery Curriculum
Pathways To Discovery
Wrangell-St. Elias Lesson Plans
An Activity Guide For grade 2 through 5
5 mb PDF
Park Wise

Park Wise
Alaska National Parks for Kids
Online Classroom filled with activites, lesson plans & lots of fun!

Our Wild Neighbors
Our Wild Neighbors
Alaska Wildlife Activity Book
50 pages of awesome activities that are all about Alaskan animals!
Teaching Kits
Teaching Kits
Check out Alaska in a Box!
Alaska History & Cultural Studies
Fabulous Alaska Studies curriculum online
TRT logo

The Teacher to Ranger to Teacher Program is at Wrangell-St. Elias! Every summer we try to hire 1-3 teachers as park rangers. These teacher-rangers perform a variety of duties, including conducting children's programming and interpretive talks. Teachers typically work for 8 weeks during the summer.

Click Here to learn more about the TRT program at Wrangell-St. Elias.

Did You Know?

Kennecott Millsite

Historic Kennecott is the site of the purest copper discovery on the face of the planet. In 1900, prospector Jack Smith exclaimed, "...I've got a mountain of copper up there."