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Stormwater Technologies Clearinghouse
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The Clearinghouse:

The Massachusetts Stormwater Technology Evaluation Project (MASTEP) has created this web site to host a source of verified technical information on stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) to provide information on innovative technologies to BMP users. More...

MASTEP has changed its performance data review process. All technologies have been re-evaluated and scored according to the new system. For more information, go to the Database Documentation page.
You will find on this site:
square button A searchable database of innovative technologies.
We have removed the registration requirement to view the database, but invite you to register anyway. (Why?)
square button A Data Entry Tool for submitting technology specification and performance data to MASTEP. Once data is submitted, MASTEP applies a screening protocol to rate technologies based on validated studies. Vendors: In order to enter a profile for your BMP, you must first register and log in.
square button

Documents and links to relevant resources for structural controls and general information on BMP technologies and stormwater monitoring techniques

Information on this project and how to contact the staff

More about the database:
Click on the Search Database button under Database on the navigation bar above, which takes you to the searchable database web page. You can search BMPs by keyword or do an advanced search by manufacturer, pollutant treated, verification rating, BMP category, application type, or any combination of the above. Once you have selected your search parameters, a list of BMPs will appear on your screen, with links to each technology detailing its applications, test status, performance, etc. (as in the image at right).

Click on image to start exploring the database

Latest news from MASTEP:
06-28-2012 | WRRC awarded new MASTEP contract | The Water Resources Research Center at the University of Massachusetts received a new award from Mass. Department of Environmental Protection to continue the MASTEP web site, update existing BMP profiles with new study data, and add new proprietary, conventional and LID technologies to the database.
09-13-2011 | Massachusetts recalls the Strategic Envirotechnology Partnership (STEP) Technology Fact Sheets | As of January 1, 2011, these STEP fact sheets are no longer being relied on for making regulatory decisions at any level of government.
01-31-2008 | MASTEP Site Upgraded | MASTEP has changed its performance data review process. All technologies have been re-evaluated and scored according to the new system.
02-02-2007 | WRRC awarded new MASTEP project | The Water Resources Research Center at the University of Massachusetts received a three-year award from Mass. Department of Environmental Protection to continue the MASTEP web site, add new proprietary technology study reviews and add reviews of studies on Low Impact Development and Conventional BMPs.
01-17-2006 | MA Municipal Association Annual Meeting Presentation | January 13th, 2006
Eric Winkler gave a presentation on stormwater monitoring and MASTEP at the Massachusetts Municipal Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show.
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