For the more information about the geologic resources of the National Park Service, please visit

Orientation and Mentoring Toolkit


Most interns have never worked in a national park before and have a relatively short amount of time to work on and make valuable contributions to an exciting park project. In order to help participants and supervisors get the most out of an internship we are providing some resources to orient the intern to the National Park Service and some mentoring guidance to help supervisors successfully welcome an intern into their park.

Featured Content

Preparing for an Internship

Interns at Mount Rainier National Park

Taking the time before the internship begins to make sure the participant understands his/her job, living arrangements, and park can help reduce the stress involved with traveling to and working in a new place. Learn more...

First Few Days on the Job

Intern at the Geologic Resources Division

As we all know, first impressions are lasting impressions. Get started on the right foot with these tips for a successful start to an internship.Learn more...

Throughout the Internship

Intern at Petrified Forest National Park

Good communication throughout the duration of an internship is essential. Tracking the status of the project and providing feedback will help keep the project on track. Learn more...

Orientation to the NPS

Interns at Denali National Park and Preserve

Welcome to the NPS!
Learn about the history and mission of the National Park Service and find ways to discover more information about the park where you will be working. Learn more...

Mentoring Resources

Intern at Sagamore Hill National Historic Site

Checklists and tools for the supervisor/mentor and intern will help ensure a succesful project. Learn more...

NPS Fundamentals I

Full Moon over Powell Point with Park Ranger Kevin Poe in silhouette

Fundamentals I is a course developed by the NPS. You will learn how the National Park Service began and how it fits into the larger picture of the federal government. Learn more...



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Last Updated: May 10, 2012