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Moth Occurrence Database

What this map layer shows:

Where nearly 600 species of moths are found, by county.
opens the U.S. Geological Survey home page
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The Moth Occurrence Database is a collection of information about moths in the United States. It was compiled by the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (NPWRC) of the U.S. Geological Survey, which studies the numbers and distribution of plants and animals to support the management and conservation of our Nation's biological resources. As part of this effort, the NPWRC collects information on moth distribution using U.S. museums, State university collections, publications, private collections, and consultation with experts. Moths are usually identified by looking at actual specimens.

The Moth Occurrence Database contains information on the distribution of 557 species of moths. The information is collected by county and is cumulative, so a positive occurrence record does not necessarily indicate that a species is currently found in a given county. Most records are from the last 30 or 40 years, with a few records that date from as early as the late 1800s. The occurrence database should be used with the database that lists the moth species. The data file includes both these databases. More detailed information on individual species is available from the NPWRC Moths of North America page.

Related Links:

If you download the data for Moth Occurrences and the included data for Moth Species you may also want to download the 2000 County Boundaries data. These three map layers can be used together to create a map of moth distribution.
Download 2000 County Boundaries


Map Maker Sample
Moths - Moth Distribution

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Moth Occurrence

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