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Map Layer Info

North American Land Cover Characteristics – 1 Kilometer Resolution

What this map layer shows:

Twenty-five broad classes of land cover, such as urban areas, forests, and croplands, at a resolution of one kilometer.
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Land cover characteristics data describe the nature of the land surface at a particular location. The staff at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS), in cooperation with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre compile land cover data as part of the Global Land Cover Characterization Program (GLCC). This effort is part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth System Science Pathfinder Program. The land cover information is drawn from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data and results in a 1-km resolution global land cover characteristics database that is used for a wide range of environmental research and modeling applications, including watershed management, environmental inventories, and land management.

The North American Land Cover Characteristics – 1 Kilometer Resolution map layer is an image showing the types of land cover found in North America, excluding Hawaii, the eastern part of Greenland, southern Mexico, and Central America. There are 25 classes of land cover, including urban and built-up land, cropland and pasture, shrubland, grassland, deciduous and evergreen forest, water, wetlands, and tundra. This map layer was compiled by EROS.

The National Atlas also includes a 200 meter resolution image showing more detailed Conterminous United States Land Cover, with classification based on a modified Anderson classification scheme.


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Land Cover 1 Kilometer Resolution

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Land Cover 1 Kilometer Resolution

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