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Exploring Planets

Photograph of craters on MarsUSGS Planetary Geologist Michael Carr tells stories about floods on Mars, shifting ice floes on Europa, rivers of methane on Titan, and volcanoes on Io in this new online public lecture.

Learn more about the geology of our planets by browsing the USGS Astrogeology Science Center solar system website.

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Are You Ready to ShakeOut on October 16?
Everyone, everywhere, should know how to protect themselves in an earthquake. Is your school registered for a ShakeOut drill on October 16? Individual states have specialized classroom resources.

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photograph of a lava flow in Hawaii
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photograph of a scientist at a lecture podium
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Woman kneeling in vegetation while making notes
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satellite image showing a tongue of the Malaspina Glacier in Alaska
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Screenshot of a GIS lesson
Thumbnail cartoon illustrating the water cycle
Water Science School
Cartoon bee sitting on a flower
USGS Kids — Ecosystems
Photo of Delicate Arch in Arches National Park
Park Geology in 3-D

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Geoscience Field Camps
NAGT/USGS Cooperative Summer Field Training Program

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U.S. Department of the Interior STEM Education Strategic Plan

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 18-Sep-2014 13:44:21 EDT