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What this map layer shows:

The locations of volcanoes throughout North America.
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Analyzing contemporary volcanic activity with historical and geological records of the recent past provides the context for assessing any volcano's benefits and dangers. The Global Volcanism Program (GVP) seeks better understanding of all volcanoes through documenting their eruptions during the last 10,000 years. The large and growing Volcanoes of the World database developed by the GVP contains the geographic, historical, and volcanological characteristics of nearly 3,000 active volcanoes around the world. The GVP works in close collaboration with scientists and organizations concerned with volcano hazards, airline safety, geothermal energy, and global climate change. The database is used in research projects and for answering questions on volcanology from other scientists, the media, and the public. The GVP is part of the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution.

The National Atlas of the United States® extracted the information for this map layer from the Volcanoes of the World database described above. The map layer features volcanoes in an extended area of the northern hemisphere centered on North America. Descriptive information includes the name of the volcano, the timeframe of the last known eruption, the summit elevation, the type of volcano as described by its shape and size, and the type of evidence used to determine volcanic activity. The National Atlas also includes a multimedia map showing potentially active volcanoes in the United States. Further volcano information can be found on the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Volcano Hazards Program page, in the USGS Volcano Hazard Fact Sheet, through the online book Volcanoes, and through the Volcanoes of the United States page.


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