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One Million-Scale Waterbodies and Wetlands of the United States

What this map layer shows:

Major waterbodies and wetlands of the United States at a scale of 1:1,000,000 as of 2014.
opens the U.S. Geological Survey home page
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The U.S. Geological Survey collects information on water features to support the production of base maps for the United States. Among the many water features it maps are streams and rivers, waterbodies, wetlands, dams, and streamflow gaging stations.

The One Million-Scale Waterbodies and Wetlands map layer shows the major lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands (swamps and marshes) of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands that can be represented at a map scale of 1:1,000,000 (1 inch on a map at that scale equals about 15.8 miles on the land surface). Some small features cannot be portrayed at this scale.

If you download this map layer, you will also want to download One Million-Scale Streams of the United States 2014 to complete the network of surface waters. Also available is a map layer showing the locations of thousands of stations that measure streamflow.

We also offer Networked Hydrography in regional geodatabases. Like the National Hydrography Dataset, these geodatabases contain a flow network that allows for tracing water downstream or upstream. It also uses an addressing system based on reach codes and linear referencing you can use to link specific information such as discharge rates and water quality. Each geodatabase includes streams, waterbodies & wetlands, coastlines, and streamflow gaging stations.

This map layer was produced by the National Atlas of the United States. It is part of our collection of fundamental digital cartographic data known as 1. This collection includes base map data in vector format at 1:1,000,000-scale and in image format at 100-meter resolution. Read more about the 1. A Global Map edition of this map layer is also available.

In cooperation with national mapping programs in Canada and Mexico, we also produce a map layer of political boundaries across North America.