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Food Stamp Recipients in the United States

What this map layer shows:

The estimated number of food stamp recipients, by county, for the years 1989, 1993, 1995, and 1997 to 2002.
opens the U.S. Census Bureau home pageopens the U.S. Department of Agriculture home page
Background Information
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The United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (USDA/FNS) Food Stamp Program is intended to end hunger and improve nutrition and health by enabling low-income families to buy nutritious food with coupons and Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards. Food stamp recipients spend their benefits to buy eligible food in authorized retail food stores. The Food Stamp Program is the cornerstone of the Federal food assistance programs and provides crucial support to needy households and to those making the transition from welfare to work. The program is operated by State and local welfare offices, and the Federal Government oversees the State operation of the Program. Households must meet income and resource standards and other eligibility requirements in order to participate in the Food Stamp Program. Detailed information on requirements is available from the Food Stamp Program Applicants and Recipients page.

The U.S. Census Bureau uses information on the estimated number of food stamp recipients as part of its Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) program. This program was created by the Census Bureau with support from other Federal agencies, and provides more current estimates of selected income and poverty statistics than the most recent decennial census. Model-based estimates are created for States, counties, and school districts. The main objective of SAIPE is to provide updated estimates of income and poverty statistics for the administration of Federal programs and the allocation of Federal funds to local jurisdictions. Estimates are modeled using a variety of data sources; in addition to numbers of food stamp recipients as obtained from the USDA/FNS, these sources include summarized information from individual Federal income tax returns, and population information.

The Food Stamp Recipients in the United States database includes the estimated number of food stamp recipients for the years 1989, 1993, 1995, and 1997 to 2002. The estimates are for July of the reference year. The database was produced by the National Atlas of the United States® from data obtained from the SAIPE. Included are statistics on the number of food stamp recipients, estimated county populations for each year, and the percentage of the county population who received food stamps.

Related links:

If you download the data for Food Stamp Recipients in the United States, you may also want to download County Boundaries data. The 1990 County Boundaries can be used with the 1989 food stamp recipients estimates to create a map of 1989 food stamp recipients. The 2000 County Boundaries can be used with the estimates from 1993, 1995, and 1997 to 1999 to create maps of food stamp recipients for those years. The 2001 County Boundaries can be used with the estimates from 2000 to 2002 to create maps of food stamp recipients for those years.
Download 1990 County Boundaries
Download 2000 County Boundaries
Download 2001 County Boundaries


Map Maker Sample
Food Stamp Recipients: 2002