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National Atlas Data Download Help


You can use the National Atlas Data Download table to quickly determine all the maps offered in the Map Maker and to learn more about them. The table is arranged in five columns.

If you're like most National Atlas users, you may only be interested in the first two columns. These include the map layer names and release dates. To see these, click on any collapsed triangle sign in the table.

You can click on any name in the first column to learn more about the map layer.

Data download table
For those mapping professionals who have already invested in their own desktop mapping or geographic information systems, the other three columns should be of interest. The third column lists the year that we most recently revised a map layer's National Atlas Data Documentation. Click on this date to view documentation that complies with the existing Federal metadata standard. This will help you determine whether to download National Atlas Data. The current National Atlas Data Documentation available from is always accessible from this table.

All National Atlas Data are provided at no cost and may be available in more than one format. If so, each format is listed in the fourth column and each file's size is shown in the fifth. Please note we compress National Atlas Data to speed delivery over the World Wide Web. Simply click on a file name to begin downloading.

We offer far more detailed help for those who wish to download our data.

Help PDF
Detailed Download Help
Map Maker Help
Displaying Topo Maps and Aerial Photos Help