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Federal Lands of the United States

What this map layer shows:

Lands owned or administered by the Federal government.
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National parks, national wildlife refuges, military reservations, Federal prisons, and public-domain land are all examples of lands owned or administered by the Government of the United States. The Federal Government is responsible for managing and protecting these lands to preserve the resources of the United States, to conduct the business of the Government, and to provide recreational and other opportunities to the public. This map layer was compiled by the National Atlas of the United States®.

The Federal Lands of the United States map layer shows those lands owned or administered by the Federal Government, including the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Park Service, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and other agencies. Only areas of 640 acres or more are included. Descriptive information includes the name and type of the Federal land and the administering agency. There may be private inholdings within the boundaries of the Federal lands in this map layer.

The map layer does not include linear (long, relatively narrow) features; these are available in a separate map layer that portrays the locations of parkways and scenic rivers. Federal wilderness area information is included in this map layer and also in the National Atlas National Wilderness Preservation System of the United States map layer. Indian lands, administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, are available in the Indian Lands of the United States map layer.