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Wall Maps - 1970

  Image of the 1970 Edition of the National Atlas

The 1970 edition of the National Atlas of the United States of America®, published by the U.S. Geological Survey, is out of print.  However, The Library of Congress has digitized and republished online all the maps from the 1970 edition of Atlas.

Many maps from the 1970 edition of the Atlas have also been published as individual map sheets and are still available for purchase. Maps that span facing pages in the atlas are printed on one sheet. Maps dated after 1970 are either revisions of original National Atlas maps or new maps published in the original National Atlas format.


Maps from the 1970 edition of The National Atlas of the United States of America®

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1970 National Atlas Maps Available Online

  Links to Library of Congress

The best collection of 20th Century maps of our Nation is now online! The Library of Congress has digitized and republished online all the maps from the 1970 edition of the National Atlas of the United States of America®. The entire collection of high-quality, full-color atlas maps can be viewed with your favorite Web browser. Follow this link to more than 700 National Atlas maps.

The 1970 National Atlas is one of more than 4.5 million items held by the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division. Only a small fraction of the holdings of the Geography and Map Division has been converted to digital format. These digital maps, including those from the 1970 National Atlas, are held in the American Memory Map Collections. American Memory is an online resource compiled by the Library of Congress National Digital Library Program. With the participation of other libraries and archives, the program provides a gateway to rich primary-source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. More than five million historical items are currently available online as part of the program.

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1970 National Atlas Reprints and Updates - Thematic Maps


Link to the Library of Congress - scans of Thematic Maps from the 1970 National Atlas of the United StatesThe standard thematic map scale is 1:7,500,000. The scale may vary from 1:17,000,000 to 1:34,000,000. When there is more than one map to a sheet, unless otherwise noted, the sheet size is 19 by 28 inches and the map includes data for the conterminous United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.

Available maps are listed below.

Alaska Shaded Relief (1969)
-- Includes text on landforms, geology, and other features of the United States. Stock #:  100656

Annual Sunshine, Evaporation, and Solar Radiation (1969) -- Three maps of mean annual sunshine, annual pan evaporation, and May-October evaporation. Five maps of annual solar radiation and mean solar radiation for January, April, July, and October. SPA #:  100702

Classes of Land-Surface Form (1964) -- Land-surface forms of the conterminous United States, with an inset of Hawaii. Stock #:  100661

Coastal Erosion and Accretion (1985) -- Indicates annual shoreline change by bands of color adjacent to the coast .Text and illustrations on the reverse side. Stock #:  101481

Coastal Hazards (1985) -- Illustrates eight coastal and onshore hazard factors and the resulting overall hazard assessment by bands of color adjacent to the coast. Text and illustrations on the reverse side. Stock #:  101485

Congressional Districts for the 100th Congress (1987) -- Congressional District numbers and boundaries for members of the House of Representatives, shown with county boundaries. Stock #:  100641

Counties (1987) -- Names and boundaries of counties and county equivalents shown with State names and boundaries. Stock #:  101463

Early Indian Tribes, Culture Areas, and Linguistic Stocks (1967) -- Distribution of early Indian tribes, with brief text on the reverse side. Stock #: 101013

Engineering Aspects of Karst (1984) -- Distribution of karst features and other features similar to karst. Text on the reverse side. Stock #: 101408

Federal Lands (1968) -- Principal U.S. lands administered or held in trust by Federal agencies as of January 1, 1968. Areas less than 25,000 acres are generally not included. SPA #:  100854

Geology (1966) -- Distribution of sedimentary, volcanic, and intrusive rock types. Stock #: 100666

Highways (1987) -- The complete interstate system with route markers and other selected major highways. Stock #: 101467

Land-Surface Form (1968) --A map of land-surface forms of Alaska, with text on the classes of United States land-surface forms and map showing physical subdivisions of the United States. Stock #: 100660

Major Forest Types (1987) -- Distribution of forest types and nonforest lands in the conterminous United States, with insets of Alaska and Hawaii. Stock #: 100615

Monthly Average Temperature (1965) -- One map showing yearly mean daily high, mean, and low temperature for selected locations. Twelve maps showing mean temperature by month. Stock #: 100791

Monthly Maximum Temperature (1965) -- One map showing yearly mean, mean daily high, and record daily high temperature for selected locations. Twelve maps showing mean maximum temperature by month. Stock #: 101413

Monthly Minimum Temperature (1965) -- One map showing yearly mean, mean daily low, and record daily low temperature for selected locations. Twelve maps showing mean minimum temperature by month. Stock #: 100792

Monthly Sunshine (1965) -- One map of theoretical maximum and mean actual hours of yearly sunshine for selected locations. Twelve maps of mean actual hours of sunshine by month. Stock #: 100673

National Wild and Scenic Rivers System (2000) -- Shows designated wild and scenic rivers. An information table and photographs are on the reverse side. Maps on both sides are at 1:5,000,000 scale. Sheet size is 42 by 28 inches. Stock #: 101500

National Wilderness Preservation System (1987) -- Location of congressionally designated wilderness areas with administering agencies indicated. All maps are at 1:5,000,000 scale. Sheet size is 42 by 28 inches. Stock #: 101414

Networks of Ecological Research Areas (1983) -- Location of research areas designated by public and private agencies as secure sites for basic and applied studies of natural processes. Classification and description of sites on the reverse side. Stock #: 100848

Physiography and Physiographic Divisions (1968) -- Four maps of the conterminous United States showing physiographic regions and provinces, physical divisions, and a physiographic diagram; and one map with insets of Alaska and Hawaii showing topographic relief. Stock #:  100657

Population (1970) -- Four maps showing population trends 1940-70, population density 1970, percent change in population 1960-70, and percent urban 1970. Stock #: 100795

Population Distribution, Urban and Rural (1960) -- Cities of more than 50,000 are shown by proportional circles, smaller cities and rural areas are shown by dots. Stock #: 100639

Population Distribution, Urban and Rural (1970) -- Cities of more than 50,000 are shown by proportional circles, smaller cities; and rural areas are shown by dots. Stock #: 100701

Potential Natural Vegetation (1985) -- Distribution of eastern and western forest and western shrub and grassland types.  Text on the reverse side. Stock #: 100672

Presidential Election of 1988 (1989) -- Results of the 1988 election by county, plus United States totals for popular and electoral votes. Stock #: 101486

Presidential Elections (1789-1968 and 1972-84) -- Results of the 1789-1968 elections by State, and of the 1972-84 elections by county, plus United States totals. Stock #: 101464

Principal Federal Lands Where Exploration and Development of Mineral Resources are Restricted (1981) -- Areas of 5,000 acres or more where mineral development is formally prohibited, or severely, moderately, or slightly restricted.  Text and maps of Alaska and Hawaii on the reverse side. Stock #: 100616

Soils (1985) -- Principal kinds of soils (orders, suborders, and great groups), with expanded definitions of classification on the reverse side. Stock #: 100669

Surface Water (1965) -- Four maps of the conterminous United States showing normal monthly runoff, maximum and minimum annual runoff, and coefficient of variation, with text. Stock #: 100793

Surface Water (1988) -- Five maps and a series of graphs illustrating annual and monthly runoff, runoff of large rivers, and surface water availability. Supplement to Surface Water (1965). Stock #: 101499

Surficial Geology (1979) -- Distribution of transported, untransported, and miscellaneous deposits for the conterminous United States, with text on the reverse side. Stock #: 100832

Tectonic Features (1967) -- Tectonic features of the conterminous United States, with an inset of Hawaii. Stock #: 100664

Tectonic Features (1968) -- A map of Alaska map with text on U.S. tectonic maps and features. Stock #: 100664

Territorial Growth (1986) -- Thirteen maps showing the territory of the United States for various years between 1775 and 1920. One map showing the United States and its outlying areas as of March 1, 1986. Stock #: 100794

U.S. Satellite View (1990) -- A mosaic of 16 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images taken from 1984 to 1986 and covering the conterminous United States. A duplicate mosaic with explanatory captions is on the reverse side. Stock #: 101495

United States Shaded Relief (1969) -- Illustrates the landforms of the conterminous United States, with insets of Alaska and Hawaii. Stock #: 100655

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1970 National Atlas Reprints and Updates - Reference Maps

  Link to the Library of Congress - scans of Reference Maps from the 1970 National Atlas of the United States

These 1:2,000,000-scale (1 inch on the map equals approximately 31.5 miles on the ground) maps show roads; railroads; airfields; locations and names of cities; the extent of larger cities; international, State, and county boundaries and area names; water features; and major physical features. Also shown are National Parks, monuments, forests, wildlife refuges, and Indian reservations. State capitals and county seats are identified. Contours are not included.

These maps have been designed so that each State is shown in its entirety on at least one sheet, with the exceptions of Alaska, California, Montana, and Texas. The complete set of sheets for the conterminous United States may be trimmed of overlap areas and mosaicked to form an approximately 92- by 57-inch composite map.

Northeastern States (1972) -- Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Stock #: 100659

Middle Atlantic States (1972) -- Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio. Stock #: 100668

Southeastern States (1972) -- North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Stock #: 100618

Florida (1972) Stock #: 100621

Southern Mississippi Valley States (1972) -- Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee. SAP100624

Central Mississippi Valley States (1972) -- Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kentucky. SAP100627

Northern Great Lakes States (1972) -- Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Stock #: 100630

Northern Plains States (1972) -- North Dakota, South Dakota, Eastern Montana, Wyoming. Stock #: 100635

Central Plains States (1973) -- Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas. Stock #: 100636

Southern Plains States (1973) -- Oklahoma, northern Texas. Stock #: 100637

Southern Texas (1973) Stock #: 100638

Arizona and New Mexico (1973) Stock #: 100642

Southern California (1973) Stock #: 100644

Central Pacific States (1972) -- Nevada, northern California, Utah. Stock #: 100645

Northwestern States (1973) -- Idaho, western Montana, Oregon, Washington. Stock #: 100646

Hawaiian Islands (1972) Stock #: 100647

Southeastern Alaska (1972) Stock #: 100648

Central Alaska (1973) Stock #: 100649

Northern Alaska (1973) Stock #: 100651

Southwestern Alaska (1973) Stock #: 100652

Aleutian Islands (1973) Stock #: 100653

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Ordering Maps from the U.S. Geological Survey


All the maps listed above are $7.00 per sheet when ordered from the USGS. A $5.00 handling charge is applied to all orders.

For international orders, the $5 handling fee plus an additional $20 shipping charge applies. International orders exceeding 50 items will be charged actual shipping costs plus the $5 handling fee.

Online National Atlas maps can be ordered online here:
Phone 1-888-ASK-USGS for general information on price and availability.
703-648-5920 from outside the United States.

Credit card orders may be faxed to (303) 202-4693 (be sure to include your credit card account number and expiration date, name, daytime phone number, and shipping address). All major credit cards are accepted.

Printable USGS Order Form
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Mail orders must include payment and should be sent to:
U.S. Geological Survey
Branch of Information Services
Box 25286
Denver, CO 80225

Printable USGS Order Form
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