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Plant Distribution - Ligustrum sinense, Chinese Privet

What this map layer shows:

Where Chinese Privet, an invasive plant species, is found, by county.
opens the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service home page
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Considered an invasive plant species, Chinese privet (scientific name: Ligustrum sinense) is a shrub or small tree that aggressively colonizes open areas in the eastern United States. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service collects information on Chinese privet and other invasive species in its PLANTS database. These data are derived primarily by looking at actual plant specimens gathered from several institutions. The PLANTS database includes information on the institution where a specimen resides, the State and county where it was collected, and the year of collection. This information allows an analysis of the spread of noxious weeds over time. However, because a relatively small number of institutions were consulted to build this database, and owing to the general unreliability of county-level distribution data (not all counties have been surveyed with equal effort, not all plant populations have been found, plant populations sometimes disappear, and plants sometimes move rapidly or are misidentified), these data provide only a rough cumulative record of the distribution of this plant.

The Plant Distribution - Ligustrum sinense, Chinese Privet database shows county-level distribution of this species in the United States. More detailed information on Chinese privet is available from the Chinese Privet page in the PLANTS database.

Related Links:

If you download the data of Chinese Privet distribution you may also want to download the 2000 County Boundaries data. These two map layers can be used together to create a map of Chinese Privet distribution.
Download 2000 County Boundaries