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Dynamic Maps

  Wall Map Icon™ contains a remarkable range of products and services to meet the diverse needs of people who are looking for maps and geographic information about America. Dynamic maps are innovative illustrations of geographic phenomena. We combine the science of mapping with today's multimedia to offer maps that are useful, understandable, and that stimulate interactivity.


Link to Potentially Active Volcanoes dynamic maps.

48 United States

Directions -
Click on the the link to the left to view the Volcanoes dynamic maps.  To explore these maps, move your cursor over the red markers.  These represent locations of volcanoes. Information about these volcanoes will appear  when the cursor is over a volcano location.

The name, type and elevation of each volcano will appear near the bottom of the page. The map key will show the height of each volcano when the cursor is positioned over it.

For more detailed information on a specific volcano click the cursor when over its red marker.

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