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The National Atlas includes interesting and informative articles about the geography of America. Some of these articles were prepared to provide additional information to explain the maps that appear in the Atlas. Others introduce government programs and how geographic information and maps influence public decision making. Still other articles are intended to educate or stimulate an interest in the people and places of this Nation.

Below are listed the articles currently contained in the National Atlas, in sections that correspond to its chapters.

Articles by Chapter

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arrow downBiology
arrow downBoundaries
arrow downClimate
arrow downEnvironment
arrow downGeology
arrow downGovernment
arrow downHistory
arrow downMapping
arrow downPeople
arrow downTransportation
arrow downWater
Consumer-Driven Agriculture
New Systems Research Targets Precision Agriculture's Effectiveness
Satellite Images of Environmental Change: Imperial Valley 1973 to 1992

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Forest Resources of the United States
General Information About Invasive Species
West Nile Virus
What's Buzzing with Africanized Honey Bees?
Zebra Mussels

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Congressional Apportionment
National Wildlife Refuge System – A Visitor's Guide
Saving Time, Saving Energy
The National Wilderness Preservation System
The Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

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Hurricane Basics
Snow Surveys and Water Supply Forecasting
When and Where Do Tornadoes Occur?

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A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health
Reusing Superfund Sites

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Continental Divides in North Dakota and North America
Engineering Aspects of Karst
Geologic Hazards
Geomagnetism: The Magnetic Field of the Earth
Glacial Limits
Landslide Types and Processes
Mount Rainier – Learning to Live with Volcanic Risk
Natural Aggregates—Foundation of America's Future
The North America Tapestry of Time and Terrain

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A National Monument, Memorial, Park . . . What's the Difference?
How the Electoral College Works
The Beginnings of the U.S. Geological Survey

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Expansion And Growth Of The United States
History of Railroads and Maps – Part 1
History of Railroads and Maps – Part 2
History of Railroads and Maps – Part 3
The Civil War at a Glance

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Harmonized Frameworks for North America Are Here
Latitude and Longitude
Map Projections: From Spherical Earth to Flat Map
The National Map
Understanding Descriptive Statistics
What is AVHRR?

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Renewable Energy Sources in the United States
Summary of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program

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Amtrak Facts
Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956: Creating the Interstate System
Overview of U.S. Freight Railroads

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Aquifer Basics Introduction
Ground Water
Hydrologic Units
Mapping Arsenic in Groundwater
Realtime Streamflow Stations
Surface Water
Water Use in the United States