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Map Layer Info

Color North America Shaded Relief – 1 Kilometer Resolution

What this map layer shows:

Shows the shape and elevation of the land surface.

Also available is Color United States Shaded Relief - 200 Meter Resolution.
opens the U.S. Geological Survey home page
Background Information
Sample map Sample Map
A shaded-relief image shows terrain. The North America Shaded Relief image was derived from the GTOPO30 elevation data, which constitute a global digital elevation model with elevation values measured approximately 1 kilometer apart. Each grid cell in the model has a value that represents the average height above sea level within that cell. The image was created by grouping the elevation values into ranges and then assigning colors to the different elevation ranges. The three-dimensional appearance was achieved by shading the image as if there were a light source in the northwest. The image was developed through a collaborative effort led by staff at the U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center (EDC). EDC archives, processes, and distributes remotely sensed data, including satellite images and aerial photographs, and works with agencies and organizations around the world to support studies using remotely sensed data.

The Color North America Shaded Relief – 1 Kilometer Resolution map layer is a shaded-relief image showing most of North America. The image is intended for visual purposes only; the original GTOPO30 data must be used for conducting analysis and determining elevation values.