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Posted September 22, 2014Today in Energy

European nations are increasing electricity generation using no-carbon sources ›

Penetration rates of no-carbon generation have increased from 50% to 56% in recent years in Europe, as European Union countries work towards renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets. Increasing levels of renewable generation, along with nuclear generation, mean that many European countries generate a large share of electricity from no-carbon sources. More

Source: EIA, International Energy Statistics


American Energy Data Challenge

American Energy Data Challenge ›

Contest #3 Open Data by Design. Prizes for designs using the featured data. Voting has closed. Winners announced in September.

2014 EIA Conference

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Conference presentations are now available.

U.S. Energy Mapping System

U.S. Energy Mapping System ›

Rankings, layers of energy information, and state comparisons

Data Highlights

WTI crude oil futures price

9/18/2014: $93.07/bbl

up$0.24 from week earlier
down$15.00 from year earlier

Natural gas futures price

9/18/2014: $3.910/mmBtu

up$0.087 from week earlier
up$0.197 from year earlier

Weekly coal production

9/13/2014: 19.176 million tons

up0.023 million tons from week earlier
down0.601 million tons from year earlier

Natural gas inventories

9/12/2014: 2,891 Bcf

up90 Bcf from week earlier
down401 Bcf from year earlier

Crude oil inventories

9/12/2014: 362.3 mmbbl

up3.7 mmbbl from week earlier
up6.6 mmbbl from year earlier


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