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Director's Page

About the Director

Harold Varmus, M.D., co-recipient of a Nobel Prize for studies of the genetic basis of cancer, began his tenure as NCI Director on July 12, 2010. He previously served as President and Chief Executive Officer of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) and as Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). More >>

Director's Page

Harold Varmus featured in Mosaic

In Conversation with… Harold Varmus

"I think most cancers will become chronic disorders that we take care of and sometimes cure." In an interview with the online science magazine Mosaic, NCI Director Dr. Harold Varmus talks about his career in cancer research and where the field is headed.
Read Article>>

What's New

Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Research and Technology (House of Representatives)
July 17, 2014
Testimony that addresses critical issues about the state of the American scientific enterprise.
Video webcast (see minute 14:41)

Commencement Address at Macaulay Honors College
June 6, 2014

Testimony Before the Special Committee on Aging (Senate)
May 7, 2014
Testimony on the relationship of cancer to aging.

An Open Letter to the Cancer Community Regarding Community Clinical Trials
April 2014
Harold Varmus reaffirms NCI’s commitment to patients in community clinical trials and explains the transition from the Community Clinical Oncology Program/Minority-Based Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOPs) and the NCI Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP) to a new network, the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP).

The Art and Politics of Science (NCBI Bookshelf)
March 2014
Dr. Harold Varmus’ memoir, published in 2009 by W. W. Norton & Company, is now freely available through the National Library of Medicine’s NCBI Bookshelf. The memoir recounts the story of his path from graduate student in English literature at Harvard University to Nobel Prize winner, to director of the National Institutes of Health, to President and Chief Executive Officer of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

Medical Research Centers in Mali and Uganda: Overcoming Obstacles to Building Scientific Capacity and Promoting Global Health
March 17, 2014
Essay in Science and Diplomacy about how the Uganda Cancer Institute and the Malaria Research and Training Center in Mali, founded in collaboration with the U.S. government, are combating major diseases through research capacity development.

Featured NCI Initiatives


Clinical Trials Transformation

The Cancer Genome Atlas