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Map Layer Info

Landslide Events in the United States

What this map layer shows:

Thirty-two individual landslides that are a representative sample of the most costly landslide events, and 15 landslides with the number of deaths and costs associated with these events.
opens the U.S. Geological Survey home page
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Landslides are the downward and outward movement of earth materials on a slope. Landslides generally move by the falling, sliding, or flowing of rock and (or) soil, or by a combination of these and other less common types of movement. Causes include earthquakes, reservoir drawdowns, heavy precipitation, and floods. Costly landslide events are those where there was loss of human life or damage to public or private property. The U.S. Geological Survey National Landslide Hazards Program (NLHP) gathers information on landslide events, conducts research, responds to emergencies and disasters, and produces scientific reports and other products for a variety of users. The primary objective of the NLHP is to reduce long-term losses from landslides by improving understanding of the causes of ground failure and suggesting ways to lessen damages and loss of life. The Landslide Events map layers were compiled by the NLHP, and show individual and regional landslide events in the United States, with associated costs of more than $10 million.

The National Atlas offers two map layers depicting landslide events. The Costly Landslide Events in the United States map layer shows 32 individual landslide events. The data set is a representative sample of the most costly landslide events in the United States, rather than an exhaustive account of landslide damage. The number of deaths associated with these events ranges from none to 500, and the associated costs range from $10 million to $900 million. Descriptive information includes the type of landslide, location, date, number of deaths, and damages in millions of dollars.

The Costly Regional Landslide Events in the United States map layer shows 15 regional events in the United States and Puerto Rico. The limits shown in this map layer indicate the extent of extensive landsliding triggered by a single meteorological or seismic event. The extent boundaries were drawn from the published literature and should be considered approximate. In several cases, the limits shown represent an arbitrary administrative boundary, such as a county boundary, rather than the extent of landsliding related to a storm or earthquake. The number of deaths associated with these events ranges from none to 150, and the associated costs range from $10 million to $800 million. Descriptive information includes the type of landslide, the process that triggered the landslide, location, date, number of deaths, and damages in millions of dollars.

Further information on landslides is available from the USGS Landslide Hazards page.