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Map Layer Info

Generalized Geologic Map of the United States

What this map layer shows:

The geology of the bedrock that lies at or near the land surface, but not the surface materials like soils or glacial deposits.
opens the U.S. Geological Survey home page
Background Information
Sample map Sample Map
A geologic map uses a combination of lines, symbols, and colors to show the composition and structure of earth materials and their distribution across and beneath the Earth's surface. Several map layers are used to comprise the Generalized Geologic Map of the United States, including geology and faults. For the conterminous United States the map layers also include major calderas, impact structures, and the limits of continental glaciation. This kind of general geologic information is used to find natural resources such as water, minerals, oil, and gas; evaluate potential hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, floods, and volcanic eruptions; and to describe a fundamental part of the environment that controls the distribution of plants and animals. These map layers were compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

The Generalized Geologic Map of the United States map layers show the geology of the bedrock that lies at or near the land surface, but not the distribution of surficial materials such as soils, alluvium, and glacial deposits. Descriptive information includes rock and deposit types, fault types, impact structure types, and the time period associated with the glacial limit. Further information on general geology is available from the USGS Geology Discipline home page, and information on geologic mapping is available from the USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, Maps and Mapping page.