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Revenues from Gambling by State

What this map layer shows:

The revenues from gambling establishments by U.S. State for the year 2007. Revenues are listed in thousands of dollars.
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In addition to the decennial census, assessing the nation’s economic programs is the U.S. Census Bureau’s primary program commitment. These programs cover virtually every sector of the economy, feature unique industry and geographic statistics, and provide information that is critical for understanding the changing economic structure and performance of the United States and its territories. They yield data products from the economic census covering years ending in "2" and "7." Economic programs statistics are widely used by policy officials, economic analysts, business decision-makers, and the news media.

The 2007 Economic Census reports that nearly 2,500 gambling establishments in the United States generated over $26 billion in receipts and revenues.

Number of
Annual Payroll
Number of Paid
2007 2,490 $26,420,402 $4,653,270 172,876
2002 2,072 $18,892,878 $3,596,304 157,576
Table 1. Gross summary of 2002 and 2007 Economic Census report for gambling industries.

The Revenues from Gambling by State map layer reports statistics for individual States and the District of Columbia. The gambling industry includes establishments primarily engaged in operating gambling facilities, such as casinos, bingo halls, and video gaming terminals, or in the provision of gambling services, such as lotteries and off-track betting.

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If you download the data for Revenues from Gambling by State, you may also want to download the State Boundaries data. These two map layers can be used together to create national maps. Download State Boundaries.


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Revenues from Gambling by States