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Railroad and Bus Passenger Stations of the United States

What this map layer shows:

Railroad and bus passenger stations as of 2012.
opens the Bureau of Transportation Statistics home page
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The National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD), published by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, is a collection of information about nationally significant transportation facilities and networks in the United States and its territories. The NTAD supports research, analysis, and decision making across all modes of transportation. Included in the NTAD is information on Amtrak stations and related facilities. We produced this map layer with information extracted from the NTAD.

Ten Busiest Amtrak Stations in 2012 Key Amtrak Statistics
Station Passengers
(in millions)
from 2011
New York Penn Station 9.5 +5.50% 31.2 Amtrak ridership in 2012 (in millions)
Washington Union Station 5.0 +3.40% 55% Growth in ridership from 1997-2012)
Philadelphia 30th Street Station 4.1 +5.10% 88% Growth in ridership from 1997-2012)
Chicago, Illinois 3.5 -2.60% 63% Share of riders starting or stopping in the 10 largest metro areas
Los Angeles, California 1.6 +3.20% 83% Share of riders on routes traveling less than 400 miles
Boston South Station, Massachusetts 1.4 +6.40% $47% 2011 operating surplus, in millions, on routes traveling less than 400 miles
Sacramento, California 1.2 +1.00% $614 2011 operating deficit, in millions, on routes traveling over 400 miles
Baltimore, Maryland 1.0 +7.90%
Albany-Rensselaer, New York 0.8 -0.03%
New Haven, Connecticut 0.7 +2.00%

Source: A New Alignment-American Passenger Rail in an Era of Fiscal Constraint, Brookings Institute, 2013

The Railroad and Bus Passenger Stations of the United States map layer shows active Amtrak intercity railroad passenger terminals in the United States, including both train stations and bus stations as of 2012. There are no facilities in Alaska or Hawaii. Descriptive information includes the station name, station code, and station type, the street address, and additional information on services and facilities available at the station. For further information on services, see the Amtrak home page.

This map layer was produced by the National Atlas of the United States. It is part of our collection of fundamental digital cartographic data known as 1. This collection includes base map data in vector format at 1:1,000,000-scale and in raster format at 100-meter resolution. Read more about the 1. These are also available as Web Services.


Amtrak Facts