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Distributions of Selected Amphibians

What this map layer shows:

Where ten common species of amphibians are found, by county, based on historical literature and museum records from current and historical sources (1941-2010).
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Amphibians are vertebrates that usually spend their larval stage in the water, live on land as adults, and return to the water to breed. Frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders are types of amphibians. The U.S. Geological Survey's Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (PWRC) produced this map layer in cooperation with researchers from Ball State University and the Indiana University School of Medicine. PWRC monitors the spatial and temporal status and trends of amphibian populations, studies the reasons for changes in amphibian populations, and operates and manages databases for amphibian monitoring programs. Public and private resource managers use their understanding of amphibian populations and trends to help manage water quality and wildlife habitats and to discern ecological processes.

The Distributions of Selected Amphibians map layer shows the distribution of 10 amphibian species in the United States. The species of amphibians in this map layer are: American Toad, Cope's Gray Treefrog, Gray Treefrog, Mudpuppy, Northern Cricket Frog, Red-backed Salamander, Red-spotted Newt, Spring Peeper, Two-lined Salamander, and Western Lesser Siren. The distribution information comes from historical literature and from museum records from current and historical sources. The information is presented by county and includes an indication of whether there are current sightings or collections of the species. More detailed information on amphibian monitoring is available from the PWRC North American Amphibian Monitoring Program and Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative pages.

Related Links:

If you download National Atlas Data of Current Amphibian Distributions you may also want to download our 2012 County Boundaries data at one million-scale. These two map layers can be used together to create a map of amphibian distribution.
Download 2012 County Boundaries