Search - Use the options on the left (topics, geographies, ...) to narrow your search results

Search Results:

To search for tables and other files in American FactFinder:


Enter search terms and an optional geography and click GO

-- or --

Select from Topics, Race and Ethnic Groups, Industry Codes, EEO Occupation Codes.

  • these are added to 'Your Selections'
  • the Search Results are updated

Next, select Geographies (states, counties, cities, towns, etc.)

  • these are added to 'Your Selections'
  • the Search Results are updated

Select one or more Search Results and click View

Source: U.S. Census Bureau   |   American FactFinder
Select Topics

Select Topics to add to 'Your Selections'  

Note: The Race & Ethnicity topic is available under the Race and Ethnic Groups button on the left.
Select Geographies
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Select geographies to add to Your Selections


Your Geography Filters

Geography Filter Options

Include in results:

Geography Results:

Geography Results:

Select Race and Ethnic Groups

Select basic race and ethnic groups to add to Your Selections

Note: For detailed race, ancestry, or tribe data from the Decennial Census (SF2, SF4, and AIAN) and the American Community Survey (Selected Population Profiles and AIAN tables), select the 'Detailed Groups' tab.


Your Race and Ethnic Group Filters

Race/Ethnic Group Filter Options

Include in results:

Race and Ethnic Group Results:

Select Industry Codes


Your Industry Code Filters

Industry Code Filter Options

Include in results:

Industry Code Results:

Select EEO Detailed Occupation Codes


Your Occupation Code Filters

Occupation Code Filter Options

Occupation Code Results: