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Map Layer Info

Federal Aid to State and Local Governments by State

What this map layer shows:

Federal aid to state and local governments for the 50 States and the District of Columbia in millions of dollars and per capita expenditures between the years 2000 and 2007.
opens the United States Census Bureau home page
Background Information
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The U.S. Census Bureau collects and reports information on Federal government aid to state and local governments. This includes the following:
  • Direct cash grants to state and local government units.
  • Payments for grants-in-kind, such as purchases of commodities distributed to state of local governments (e.g. school lunch and breakfast programs).
  • Payments to nongovernment entities when such payments result in cash or in-kind services passed on to state or local governments.
  • Payments to regional commissions and organizations that are redistributed to the state or local level.
  • Federal government payments to state and local governments for research and developments that is an integral part of the provision of public services.
  • Federal revenues shared with state and local governments.
This does not include grants to individuals and profit or nonprofit institutions not covered above and for payments for services rendered.

Federal Aid Pie Chart

The Federal Aid to State and Local Governments by State map layer reports statistics for individual States and the District of Columbia. More detailed statistics for these and other areas were published by the Census Bureau in an on-line report entitled Federal Aid to States for Fiscal Year 2009.

Related Links:

If you download the data for Federal Aid to State and Local Governments by State, you may also want to download the 2001 County Boundaries data. These two map layers can be used together to create a national maps. Download 2001 County Boundaries