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200 Years for Our National Anthem

September 12, 2014

This weekend marks 200 years since the penning of our national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.”  The original poem written by Francis Scott Key was inspired by the lone American flag flying over Fort McHenry after it was bombarded by the Britis Read More

“A Massive Dud”: White House Inversions Scheme Exposed for the Sham It Is

September 12, 2014

A far cry from the “political whopper that Democrats dreamed of,” the president’s election-year push on so-called tax inversions “has turned out to be pretty much a massive dud.” Read More

Boehner Invites Dems to Re-Examine Priorities, Focus on Jobs

September 12, 2014

“We need the president and Senate Democrats to re-examine their priorities, join us in putting the people first, and getting things done.” Read More

Helping Families Keep Their Plan & Peace of Mind

September 11, 2014

“In this tough economy, hardworking families need all the peace of mind they can get, and by helping them keep the plan they like, Bill Cassidy’s bill does just that.” Read More

Boehner: House Is Ready to Work with President on Plan to Destroy ISIL, but White House Must Address Strategy Questions

September 11, 2014

ISIL is a sophisticated and determined enemy, and in order to be successful we must have a comprehensive strategy designed to destroy and to defeat it. Read More