Chairman Dave Camp
  • In Case You Missed It...

    ICYMI: Heritage Foundation – Free Trade is a Winner in Recent Elections

    Nov 13, 2014-- Free Trade is a Winner in Recent Elections By Bryan Riley, The Hill contributor Riley is the Heritage Foundation's Jay Van Andel Senior Policy Analyst in Trade Policy. In Georgia, Iowa, Massachusetts and North Carolina, the midterm elections proved that candidates shouldn't be afraid to talk about the benefits of trade. They also demonstrated that candidates tempted to employ protectionist scare ... more

  • Floor Statements

    Camp Statement for the Record: Special Order Honoring Congressman Phil Crane

    Nov 13, 2014-- I would like to take this opportunity to offer praise of and appreciation for my friend and former colleague Congressman Phil Crane. I had the honor of serving alongside Phil on the Ways and Means Committee for many years, allowing me to witness first hand just what an exceptional leader he was. Phil was a true conservative that strived for real solutions that worked for all Americans near and fa... more

  • Press Release

    Camp Statement on the Passing of Former Congressman Phil Crane

    Nov 10, 2014-- Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement following the passing of former Congressman and long-time Committee Member Phil Crane. “I am deeply saddened to learn that my friend and former colleague Congressman Phil Crane has passed away. I had the honor of serving alongside Phil on the Ways and Means Committee for many years, allowing me to witn... more

  • In Case You Missed It...

    ICYMI: Washington Post – The New Congress Should Revive a Bill on 'Fast-Track' Trade Authority

    Nov 7, 2014-- The New Congress Should Revive a Bill on 'Fast-Track' Trade Authority By The Washington Post Editorial Board Now that Republicans have gained control of Congress, no policy area is riper for bipartisan action than trade. President Obama’s trade representative, Michael Froman, is deeply engaged in trade-expansion talks with 11 Asia-Pacific nations, including Japan. A bipartisan legislative framewo... more

  • Press Release

    Camp Statement on October Jobs Report

    Nov 7, 2014-- Washington, DC – Today, Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) issued the following statement on the October jobs report. “This week, we heard the American voters loud and clear: they are in no way satisfied with the Obama economy. They want, expect and deserve real solutions from Washington that will not only get Americans back to work, but also increase take home pay. We do not have to wait u... more

  • Press Release

    Chairmen Royce, Camp Seek Answers from IRS on Foreign Diplomats Receiving Taxpayer Funded Benefits

    Oct 29, 2014-- Washington, DC – Today, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) and Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) wrote to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen seeking information after learning that foreign diplomats working in the United States are eligible for subsidized health coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Specifically, the letter asks how many have enrolled in... more

  • The Prescription Pad

    NYT Wrong, Again, on ObamaCare

    Oct 28, 2014-- Yesterday, The New York Times, a consistent cheerleader for ObamaCare, questions: Is the Affordable Care Act Working? It should come as no surprise that the article states, as if it were fact, that “For now, dire warnings that the law would cause premiums for most people to rise sharply have proved unfounded.” The truth? As this Forbes article cites, new health research shows that non-group premiu... more

Trade Priorities Act

Tax Reform

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« November 2014 »